Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekend tarot card - Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups makes an appearance today to suggest that your emotions and feelings will play an important role this weekend. This card is about having a firm grip on your emotional responses and being perceptive about what's going on around you.

Whatever your situation may be this weekend you will find it relatively easier to navigate your course through emotional challenges. You would be able to influence people around you with your understanding and unique ability to know what's best for everyone. Someone in your life may also have this sort of strong but calming influence this weekend.

The key theme of this card is emotional maturity and listening to your inner voice. An insight about a person or situation at this time would likely be correct so make sure to follow up on that. In terms of events, this may point to a time when you would appreciate domestic comforts and prefer to remain indoors rather than go on exciting, adventurous jaunts. You may want to interact less this weekend and engage in more solitary pursuits like watching television, browsing the net or just day dreaming.

Honour your own as well as others' privacy this weekend and offer support or advice only when specifically asked for otherwise it may seem intrusive. Enjoy a rejuvenating break in routine and have a lovely weekend!

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