Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Temperance

Today's card is Temperance from the Rider Waite tarot deck and this points to balance and harmony in your life.

This card astrologically corresponds with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, the planet of good luck and benediction. Any health issues you may have experienced will show improvement. You still need to stay vigilant about your lifestyle choices so follow a balanced diet and excercise plan.

Your energy and vitality is on the rise so this is a good time for healing - both physical and emotional. Being patient is important if you feel things are moving at a slow pace. Be aware of the practical details even as you tend to favour a more emotional approach today. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will give you a realistic assessment of how much you can achieve in a given time frame and enable you to set realistic expectations of yourself and others.

You may be in an experimental frame of mind today as you try and discover how to get it just right. While an inner knowing guides you, serenity also comes by taking the right action and positive thinking.

This is the day to see things from a balanced perspective and not get trapped by one way of thinking. Focus on harmonious blending of all disparate elements in your life and have fun as you find the right mix of ingredients for your happiness.
Have a great day!

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