Friday, October 23, 2015

Tarot Friday - Princess of Wands

Today's card is the Princess of Wands from the Druidcraft tarot deck. This corresponds to the Page of Wands in a traditional tarot deck and represents the potential, attitudes and beliefs that are representative of the element of Fire.

Pages in tarot carry the elemental energy in a relatively less mature fashion and the Princess of Wands reminds us to embrace the attitude of an enthusiastic and adventure loving child and keep an open mind.

This card is all about the thrill of new experiences and discovery. You will be your charming self today, full of high energy and passion and ready for all kinds of fun. You will be dynamic, fearless and expressive, rubbing off some of your zest for life on to others. There will be an opportunity to impress others and dazzle them with your brilliance. Some people may find you a bit arrogant or hot headed today so be careful with your words, especially when communicating with people in authority or your seniors. Temper force or anger with wit and tolerance.

This is a good day to enhance your skills, learn a new hobby and plan for future growth. You need to develop a more mature understanding of yourself as well as others so be ready to learn from your experiences, it could be an important life lesson.
Have a great day!

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