Thursday, October 22, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Seven of Pentacles

Today I have drawn the Seven of Pentacles from the Anna K tarot deck. This card represents a time of waiting and the need to stay positive while you go about your daily routine.

Boredom may be settling in as you find yourself wondering if you are on the right track. This is the effect of Saturn on the zodiac sign of Taurus and may manifest as  lethargy, lack of drive, passion and interest and a general reduction in vigour and vitality.

The need to be patient becomes pronounced in case you are awaiting the results of your past endeavours. Remember it will take some time for the tree to bear fruit as you have planted the seeds quite recently. If you find your money or health situation not improving for some time or you're feeling stuck at work this card is a reminder that it may simply not be the right time. More effort may be required from your end before things change.

The other key theme of this card is a need to plan really well for the future and keep yourself motivated. Lack of planning may lead to a situation where further progress is made difficult due to practical considerations and unavailability of resources. You need to keep yourself driven inspite of things moving at a slow pace. Use this downtime to build your skills, further your education and organize yourself better.

Try not to waste time worrying over something beyond your control today. Keep going through the motions, keep yourself busy and remain focused on your target.
Have a great day!

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