Monday, October 19, 2015

Tarot Card for Monday - Three of Rods

Today's card is from the Hanson Roberts tarot deck and it is the Three of Rods or the Three of Wands as is traditionally called. Astrologically speaking, this is Sun in Aries and a very energetically strong placement of the Sun. The key themes of this card are expansion, exploration and results.

Being a number three this card represents a time of stability in work and business where the initial order has been firmly established and you are looking at expanding your horizons. You will be concerned about growth and going beyond what has already been accomplished.

Today is a good day to take stock of your progress so far and make future plans. You are assured of high returns and positive outcomes for work done in the past and there is tremendous self confidence, foresight and vision about where you want to go next. Make good use of this high energy today and set a high target for yourself. Sometimes this card can also suggest old memories that serve to inspire you and propel you forward by reminding you of the important lessons you may have learnt in the past.

It's the time to grab new opportunities and enhance your experience in different areas of life. Stay in the spirit of adventure as you begin a new week. Have a great day!

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