Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Six of Pentacles

Today I am using the Thoth tarot deck to get some insight into the energies of the day. I have drawn the Six of Pentacles which, in this particular deck, is named 'Success'.

The sixes in tarot all stand for harmony and balance in life whether it is with regards to your passions, relationships, thoughts or material assets. Pentacles having influence in the realm of material and physical aspects of your life, this card brings harmony and well being in your health, financial position, day to day work activities and interpersonal relationships.

Astrologically this is a very favourable position of the moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus and represents social and financial success with emphasis on the emotionally benefic aspect of wealth. A feeling of abundance and generosity will prompt the sharing and caring part of your personality to come to the fore. You will find much contentment in being able to help someone in need. Some of you may also be blessed with unexpected assistance in the form of money, time or knowledge.

Sharing and balance are the key themes of this card so be generous with those assets in which you find yourself abundant and others lacking. It will give you deep satisfaction and provide you with a sense of purpose today.
Have a great day!

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