Saturday, October 10, 2015

Page of Swords and the Nine of Cups

Today I am using the Radiant Rider Waite tarot deck to get some insight into the energies this weekend.

The first card is the Page of Swords and this represents the tendency to approach everything in a breezy, intellectual, analytical sort of way. You will be driven by your sharp intellect and your power of reasoning and logic will be impressive. However, there may also be a tendency to be flippant, superficial and detached. You may dismiss your real feelings and emotions about something or someone as an unnecessary distraction and thus miss the point as not everything is explicable by pure logic. Your fresh and original ideas may seem either whimsical or completely outrageous to people around you and you may have a hard time making your ideas seem viable, however eloquently expressed. This is not because of any flaw in your reasoning per se but your lack of experience. Conventional, traditional way of doing things may be offputting to you this weekend and you will crave some intellectual and creative stimulation, including arguments. Engaging in hobbies that fulfill this craving will be uplifting as also opportunities for interesting conversations with different personalities.

The other card is the Nine of Cups and this points to a general feeling of emotional contentment, good health and great joy. Outings and celebrations are likely. Simple, basic pleasures of life such as eating, drinking and sharing your feelings with loved ones will bring much cheer. This is astrologically Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Pisces so overindulgence is a possibility. You will be gregarious and love to share the abundance around you. Just be wary of over emphasizing this happiness as it may give way to lethargy or unrealistic expectations. The influence of Jupiter is extremely benefic and makes your wishes come true so remain in a positive state of mind and visualize what you truly desire.

A good time to connect with people and have meaningful conversations. Avoid excesses in food, drink and speech and try and be open to differing views and opinions while you express your own.
Have a lovely weekend!

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