Friday, October 9, 2015

Empress and the Ten of Cups

Today I am using the Morgan Greer tarot deck to get some insight into the key themes and influences of the day.

The first card is the Empress and this is symbolic of nature, love, and earthy feminine energy that helps to both create and sustain life on earth. Astrologically this is ruled by the planet Venus and manifests as love and warmth in relationships, good health and fertillity on a physical plane and creativity and imagination on the mental realm. The card expresses itself well in all professional and personal matters, bringing ideas and projects to conception and desires to fruition. You will find success without too much effort on your part and creative ideas will abound. There will be material abundance or at least a sense of abundance, luxury and comfort about you. Take time to nurture yourself physically as well as emotionally by relaxing, spending time in natural surroundings and indulging in wholesome pleasure pursuits. Be open and receptive to any inspiration or idea that strikes you, let it germinate and stir you enough emotionally before taking any action.

The second card is the Ten of Cups and this is a card of material and emotional contentment. There is happiness, passion and true joy about this. Family bonds will be strengthened and provide a great sense of security. Astrologically this card represents Mars in the zodiac sign of Pisces and bestows high energy and good spirits all around. You will derive much pleasure from close relationships and be uninhibited in expressing your love and affection. Pisces energy is typically receptive and passive with great emotional depth, however the effect of Mars would add great vigour and vitality to your feelings today. Your enthusiasm and intensity will draw people towards you and enhance your social appeal.

The interplay of Mars and Venus would manifest beautifully in your relationships today and bring a high degree of attraction, passion and creative imagination to manifest the reality you truly want. Today is not a day to struggle against the current and prove something to the world but to delight in the beauty and lushness of life.
Have a lovely day!

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