Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Silence and Understanding

Today I am using the Osho Zen tarot deck to get some insight into the energies of the day.

The first card is Silence and this corresponds to card number 17 - The Star, in a traditional tarot deck. There is a deeply meditative, tranquil quality about this card. A stillness in which everything seems possible, everything seems just right. This is a place where you arrive at after a time of chaos and confusion. The calm that follows a storm. You are appreciative of the wisdom of the universe which may be incomprehensible but feels real. You will be generous today with the people around you and unafraid to reveal your vulnerabilities. You will somehow achieve a sense of balance after seeming to lose it. There will be a sense of belonging and security within you inspite of everything being just as it was. This feeling of trust would come from within and not depend on your external circumstances. However temporary this feeling, it will give you much hope and inspiration for the days ahead. Let yourself feel this silence within you deeply and knowingly and give your mind a break from constant analysis of right and wrong.

The other card is called Understanding in this deck and this corresponds to the Page of Cups in a traditional tarot deck. This card is all about allowing yourself to trust your instincts and first impressions about something or someone. This is similar to the realization a bird in a cage has of being able to finally spread her wings and fly out into the vacant expansive sky. It is exhilaration mixed with apprehension of the unknown. You may be a bit hesitant to acknowledge your own feelings about something or someone because they may seem illogical. However, your gut reactions may be important today and prove valuable in the future. Do not dismiss these thoughts, try and back these with some research so you can have a sound, rational basis in which to process your thoughts. Emotions will also play an important role in how you react to people and events today. Trust in your inner wisdom and allow yourself to go with the flow of things rather than engaging in self doubt or misgivings about others' intentions. Trust will take you forward and towards light.

Today is a good day to let your communication flow from a place of much emotional depth. You are instinctively perceptive of the fallible nature of human life and forgiveness and compassion will come easily. You will find it easy to rise above petty selfish issues and act maturely especially in close professional or personal relationships. Your positive energy will rub off on others and enable an atmosphere of calm. Stay blessed and have a great day!

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