Thursday, October 15, 2015

Card for Thursday - Nine of Cups

Today's card is the Nine of Cups from the Robinwood tarot deck. As seen in the picture, this is a day of abundance and fulfillment. However, there may also be an element of staging happiness for the sake of others.

Whether you feel blessed with your life or unfulfilled, today is the day to ask yourself what is it that makes you happy and truly assess your sense of wellbeing. Does it arise from an actual sense of accomplishment and pride in your achievements or does its basis lie in your acquisitions? This card is a reminder to separate the reality of our life from the illusion that we maintain for the sake of propriety and social obligations. Are you smiling because you feel you have to or do you really appreciate what you have?  Remember others may be as concerned with appearances as you are so it serves no one to put up an act of smug satisfaction when you know inside things are not as good.

The nine cups in this card represent your different needs and emotions. Some of the cups may need to be emptied, some may need to be filled. Pay attention to what areas of your life need to be refilled with positivity today in order for you to be genuinely happy and contented. The card being ruled by Jupiter your wishes have a great chance of coming true today.
Have a lovely day!

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