Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Card of the day - The World

Today's Tarot card is from the Anna K deck and it is the last trump card in the tarot, card number 21, The World.

The image shown is of a tree, as expansive above the ground as beneath it. This is an image of completion and complete unity of the individual soul with the collective consciousness of the world.

This is a most wonderful feeling where contentment, happiness and peace abound. It is the direct result of how good you feel about yourself. There is a sense of belonging and harmony in your life right now. Wherever you may be or whatever you may be doing you feel at home and a sense of accomplishment. Like the roots and branches of this tree, you feel growth in all directions propelling you towards your true destination. The card suggests energetic involvement in meaningful pursuits and a deep awareness of how different things in your life are basically connected by a common purpose. Travel is sometimes indicated by this card as is fame and recognition.

Astrologically the card corresponds to the planet Saturn at its most benefic and rewarding state. Emphasize the positives in your life today and positive outcomes will automatically become a reality.
Have a great day!

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