Monday, October 12, 2015

Card of the day - Three of Pentacles

I am using the Crystal Visions tarot deck to draw one card that would give us the key theme and influences today.

The image of the Three of Pentacles shows a person immersed in his or her work. Here is a person who has attained some sort of mastery in his or her field and is now skilled enough not only to do his/her own work individually but also to guide others and mentor them along.

Astrological association of this card is with the planet Mars in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Mars is all about drive, initiative and the force of will. Capricorn is concerned with enhancing one's personal worth and professional reputation. Combining the two we get a very favourable elemental combination of fire and earth energies that gives immense concentration, drive and will power resulting in the creation of something valuable, a piece of work you would be truly proud of.

As the suit of Pentacles deals with everything in the physical, material realm the card suggests taking concrete steps towards building your long term physical assets such as taking care of your health, finances and day to day relationships with people. It is a card of professional learning, mentorship and skill building. You may coach a junior or get trained by your superior. Some of you may start working towards aquiring a new skill.

Focus on doing your best job today, no matter what you do. Excellence is what you would naturally be drawn to as a reward for your hard work. It doesn't matter how big or small the task, you will be driven to doing it with all your heart. And naturally, you can be assured of great returns in the future.
Have a wonderful day!

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