Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Hermit and the Ten of Rods

Today I am using my Hanson Roberts tarot deck to get some insight into the energies of the day.

The first card is the Hermit and this represents a need for solitude and quiet introspection. You may be feeling a bit cynical about people around you or feel that being at the centre of wordly cares and responsibilities only drains your energy and vitality. You may seek isolation today in order to go within and dig deeper into what is really bothering you. An inward search for greater meaning or your life purpose will connect you with your real self. Use this period to contemplate and question your recent actions, the consequences that followed and why do you think you react in a certain way to events or people. Such questioning will lead to greater insight about yourself and knowing yourself is the whole purpose of your inner journey today. In more mundane scenarios you may be seeking some sort of information or involved in explanations to bring more clarity to the issue. A mentor or trusted friend may be able to throw light on an important matter.

The other card is the Ten of Rods and this shows the image of a man carrying ten rods uphill with great difficulty. You may be feeling a bit weary after a stressful period of hard work. You may have been denying or suppressing your own needs for the sake of others. Resist the urge to do everything perfectly or all by yourself. Seek help when you feel burdened and learn to say 'No' to additional responsibilities or people who make unfair demands on your time and tend to take you for granted. Astrologically this card represents Saturn in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius so you may need to depend on the power of your will and great inner strength to carry on despite low energy levels and lack of enthusiasm. Try not to take things too seriously. Life is meant to be lived with a certain playfulness and awareness that nothing remains forever. Things have to remain in constant motion as on a giant wheel where sometimes we go up and sometimes we come down only to go up again. So act with faith and hope that every little action is adding something to your life.

The astrological associations of the Hermit with Virgo and ten of Rods with Sagittarius represent the mutable energies of Earth and Fire elements respectively. You may feel a greater effect of your environment on your moods today. Try to draw inspiration from within yourself and consciously seek out opportunities to be lighthearted and joyful.
Have a great day!

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