Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - Ace of Wands

Today's card is the Ace of Wands from the Crystal Visions tarot deck. The Aces in tarot represent new beginnings and potential of their elemental energy. The Ace of Wands symbolizes the generative power of the Fire element which provides illumination, determination and courage.

This card is a reminder that there is immense potential for greatness in your life no matter what your actual circumstances are. There is a reservoir of inner strength and willpower in you which can enable you to manifest your dreams and aspirations into a tangible, foreseeable reality, provided you put this energy to work through positive and conscious action. Nothing of consequence is possible without action and being the first card in the suit of Wands, this Ace suggests that now is the time to set a new work cycle in motion.

Some of you may begin a journey/ project or activity today. Your passion, drive and enthusiasm will be inspiring. Just keep in mind that a great start does not mean your work is done. It is only a beginning and much diligence and persistence will be needed to complete it successfully. Sustaining this level of effort may prove to be an uphill task in the coming days so do not get carried away by the initial zeal and direct your efforts through grounded, practical plans of action. Promise only what is realistically feasible. With proper planning and discipline you should find staying on course not only easy but enjoyable.
Have a great day!

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