Friday, October 16, 2015

Tarot Friday - The Emperor

Today's card is the Emperor from the Hanson Roberts tarot deck. This is trump number four and is astrologically represented by the zodiac sign of Aries.

This card is concerned with the basic foundation and structures holding our individual lives and communities together. It represents the rules we follow, the societies we belong to and the way we operate in the world. It suggests control of our natural instincts and desires for the sake of the higher common good.

This is a reminder to bring more discipline into your life and take a hard look at things which need to be brought under control. You may have to give up some conveniences and comforts in the present moment for future wellbeing and long term growth.

There may also be a feeling of rebelliousness stirring inside you today. You may be wanting to unfetter yourself from some of the restrictions in your life and seek freedom. Examine your motives for feeling this way and ask yourself if you are ready to take the responsibility for rewriting the rules of your life. In breaking from the existing order you may have to encounter formidable forces. Are you willing to give up stability and peace for the sake of personal freedom?

Aries being ruled by the planet Mars there will be a lot of fiery energy and drive behind your emotions and reactions today. Tread with confidence on your chosen path and think thoroughly about the consequences your actions and thoughts may lead to before disturbing the existing structures in your life.
Have a great day!

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