Thursday, September 10, 2015

Seven of Swords and the Two of Cups

I am using the Anna K Tarot deck to get some insight into the energies that may manifest as opportunities and challenges today.

The first card is the Seven of Swords and this shows a figure climbing down a ladder, trying to make off with a load of treasure, a sly expression of triumph on his face. This is a card of stealth and secrecy and is often associated with theft, dishonourable motives or deceit. But today it represents opportunities and I get a strong sense of plans going in your favour today and especially plans that you have kept to yourself so far. There may be some selfish motives involved such as outwitting someone or it could be something innocuous meant for fun. Like planning a surprise birthday party for a loved one or something more serious like withholding important information from someone. Whatever your reason, you are likely to get away with it today. You may also get an opportunity to bask in someone else's glory or get credit for someone else's work. Try and return the favour in some way, if possible, it will earn you goodwill in the long run. This is a good day to gain someone's trust in a relationship, charm your client or negotiate an important deal.

The second card is the Two of Cups which, as the picture so clearly shows, is all about relationships and partnerships. It could represent a personal or romantic relationship, collaboration with a friend, a work place interaction with your colleague or boss, or a business partnership. This is a very positive card but today this shows the challenges and attitudes you need to guard against. It may have some basis in the lack of integrity represented in the first card. Review and assess your motives and expectations from this relationship. If you are coming from a place of mistrust and selfish motives expect to be repaid in kind. However, if your intention is clear and positive there may be nothing to worry about as the two of cups represents a very equal partnership based on give and take. There could be trivial disagreements as both sides may have a strong sense of individual identity. Try not to let a third party take advantage of any communication issues between you and your partner. Make sure to focus on the positive aspect of this union of opposites instead of sweating the small stuff today.

Overall the air energy of the swords and the water energy of the cups make this an interesting day full of mental stimulation and emotional highs. Make sure to use these energies in a positive way and have a fabulous day!

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