Saturday, September 26, 2015

Five of Cups and the Eight of Wands

Most of us understand how our little joys and sorrows derive almost totally from our attitude and perception of ourselves and the world. And yet, this understanding deserts us when we most need it and we wonder why we are always left chasing happiness. With some such thoughts I turn to my Robinwood tarot deck to get an insight into the attitudes that we need to develop or shed this weekend in order to be more joyful.

The first card is the Five of Cups and as the image shown is one of deep sorrow, disappointment and sense of loss, you must be wondering where the bird called Joy resides or whether it really exists in and around this card. The figure in this card is cloaked in black from head to toe and we cannot see him or her, the real self that this person hides. It's easy to see that he is choosing to wallow in unhappiness by concentrating solely on the three spilled cups infront of him, ignoring the two filled cups behind him. By focusing on past losses, hurts and disappointments and at the same time ignoring present opportunities and blessings he is creating this state of misery and abject sorrow for himself. Who is to blame?

One has to understand that whatever happened in the past, and past means every moment that has passed, cannot change anything for us unless we let it. You made a mistake? It's over and done with. Your thinking or worrying about it will not bring that moment back. There's only forward we can go. Move on! But the most important message of this card is the most empowering. The two full cups may seem of little consequence, especially when the going is tough, however, they hold the key to your happiness and joy. Count your blessings, they may not be so few afterall. What you have in your life right now, whatever it is, if you truly recognize it and appreciate it, happiness will not just be an attitude you choose, it will be a natural manifestation of the positive energy you feed into your life and of others.

The other card is Eight of Wands and this is associated with speed, quickness, momentum. How does that translate into 'an attitude we must shed in order to be happy'? The eight wands in this card represent the elemental energy of fire. And while it provides fuel for our desires, passion in hearts and warmth in our connections, fire can also sear and burn if not controlled. The quickness with which we sometimes think, judge or act can lead to disastrous effects. This card is all about action driven by quick thinking and desire for expansion or freedom. Just keep in mind that your independence may be someone else's prison. Try and be mindful of snap judgements and rash statements this weekend. True joy will come to us when we take responsibility for our own happiness while being sensitive to others' feelings. You don't need to hold back anything, just release those sharp, witty words with a bit of care and consideration. And of course a smile so that they are taken in the right spirit. Try and avoid bringing up past issues in case of an argument, stay in the present and you'll find any difficult moments melting on their own.

This weekend is all about finding and creating your happiness. The energy of Mars in Scorpio in the first card and of Mercury in Sagittarius in the second are very powerful forces but those that can be directed and focused in whatever direction you choose. Shed the cloak that hides your true, glorious personality, open you heart and embrace joy today.
Have a fabulous weekend!

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