Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Comparison and Control

Today I am using the Osho Zen tarot deck to get some insight into the energies of the day.

The first card is Comparison and this would be the Five of Swords in a traditional tarot deck. The picture shows the barks of the oak and the bamboo, representative of two extremes that we often tend to compare and contrast in life. But is it fair to compare? What purpose does it solve? How does it empower and inform the oak tree to compare itself to the bamboo and vice versa? Basically, comparisons are futile and lead us into two extremes of thought and perception of ourselves - as the victor or the vanquished. Traditional depiction of this card shows a picture of both victory and loss. It tells you to identify yourself. Do you believe you have won? Or do you wallow in self pity thinking you have lost? Look again for often our victories are hollow, meaningless. And often our losses make us rich in wisdom and experience. Only you can define your life as a success or a failure depending on how you see it, whether you focus on what you have or worry about what you don't. Try not to get stuck by negative thinking today. Focus on your goal and make one if you don't have it yet. Comparison with others is an unnecessary distraction in the spiritual journey of your soul so take it as an opportunity to recognize and appreciate your unique abilities and walk away from feelings of resentment or self pity at someone else's good fortune. Who knows what lies beneath the glitter? We all have our constant little battles with life no matter how privileged we may seem so stop comparing your lot with others today and let go of things that are not worth holding on to.

The other card is Control and this is the King of Swords in a traditional tarot deck. The figure shown in the image is in total control of his life. He is organised and logical, decisive and intelligent and has full confidence in his ability to think his way out of any issues. But he is also trapped by his mind and so constrained by the confines of logic and rational thinking that there is no outlet for emotional expression. It leaves one wondering about the whole aspect of control. Who is controlling whom? The man in control of the mind or the mind controlling the man? Too much emphasis on logic and intellectual expression can often lead us into denying or repressing our emotions. We try hard to be fair and on the side of truth by always doing the right thing and yet, happiness is as elusive as we thought it would be if we didn't keep ourself in tight control. Remember logic can explain a lot of things but it can also fail at times. And that gap can be filled by emotions and feelings. When things cannot be expressed rationally, they need to be felt and emotionally experienced. That is the way to freedom. Try and recognize the areas in your life where too much control has led to entrapment. Try and recognize the gentle power of feeling your way through some special moments even if they do not seem to make sense logically.

There's an excess of air energy today which means thoughts, analysis, mental processes and communication will be in focus. Remember true empowerment will come from integrating all aspects of your life so temper any excess in thought energy with some emotional responses today.
Have a great day!

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