Saturday, September 5, 2015

Eight of Air and Nine of Water

Often it is difficult for us to see the silver lining in those dark clouds hovering above our heads. And just as we expect the storm to worsen, there appears, as if by magic, a little crack, the clouds part and the darkness lifts as we see rays of gold making their way towards us. Miracles and magic happen around us all the time, if only we would wait for the clouds to part with hope and faith in our heart. So hoping for a truly wonderful weekend, I asked my Angel Tarot deck about the positive and negative aspects of the day.

The first card is the Eight of Air and this represents the strengths and opportunities today. The card corresponds to the Eight of Swords in traditional tarot deck where the image shown is of a woman blindfolded, with hands tied and surrounded by eight swords. The landscape is uneven and precarious and the atmosphere is bleak. At first glance there seems to be no hope for this woman. If she tries to free herself, she risks getting scraped by the swords and if she does nothing she remains trapped. But look closely and you see that a very simple solution to her problem does exist. Her legs are not tied and she can simply walk away from this situation. A retreat is the only way she can save herself from this issue. How many times do we get entangled in such situations and fail to take advantage of this simple solution! We feel we cannot back off once we have got in here. Our ego overwhelms our higher instinct and we remain trapped by our thoughts, thinking there is no other way out. And being trapped in such a situation undermines our confidence and slowly erodes our self esteem. It just appears to be a hopeless situation. But it's not.

Today you have the opportunity to look for simple solutions to your problems that seem too big to handle. The simplest solution is often not the most palatable or ego boosting. But it is the most liberating. Stop the constant chatter of your ego today and rise above trivial concerns like reputation, keeping up a false appearace, doing things you don't really want to do but you think you must for the sake of respectability and making yourself miserable over past mistakes of yourself or others. Choose freedom over entrapment today and just walk away from whatever's holding you back. Step back, give up the argument, retreat will only bruise your ego for a while but it will nourish your soul and save your time for better, bigger things.

The other card is Nine of Water and this is the Nine of Cups in a traditional deck. Today this represents the challenges or weakness you may need to overcome. And let me tell you straight up it is one of the most positive cards in tarot and is known as the wish fulfillment card. Challenge? Weakness? Doesn't seem to go along with this one, does it? Look again. This card shows up when there is abundance in your life. In the Rider Waite tarot it shows a figure with a supremely happy expression on his face, surrounded by food and drink, his cups of happiness overflowing. And therein lies the catch. Too much of a good thing. That's all you need to guard against. Excess. Overindulgence. Laziness. Dissipation. This is a good time to celebrate and have fun, only remember to exercise caution and do everything in moderation. You are promised emotional fulfillment and simple joyful pleasures this weekend.

Overall, there seems to be a good balance between emotional (water) and rational (air) energies. Remember freedom from negativity will lead to greater joy so minimize self created restrictions and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Have a fabulous weekend!

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