Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Page of Swords and the Hierophant

Today I am using my Crystal Visions tarot deck to get some insight into the energies of the day.

The first card is the Page of Swords and this represents the logical, rational part of our self that is quick to make a judgement and express it in words that have an instant impact. This card carries the energy of the Air element which is concerned with our attitudes, thinking and the way we deal with problems and challenges. As Pages in tarot convey the idea of immaturity it may represent our naive and somewhat impulsive side. Be aware of how you communicate today to make your point, even if what you say is totally true and meaningful. Some people, especially those in a position of authority, may be quick to take offence at your well meaning but overbearing behaviour. Of course there is no reason to give in to a way of thinking you absolutely do not subscribe to. Standing up for your beliefs may be required at this time and you may be up against some powerful forces so proceed with tact and choose your words wisely. There is no doubting your integrity and it will take time but ultimately people will be forced to come round and see the point.

The second card is the Hierophant, also called the High Priest, and this represents convention, tradition, institutions or hierarchical structures, and tried and tested ways of doing things. From the point of view of the first card this seems to me the forces you may be up against today. There may be a struggle, power play or a minor conflict between the old and the new, the conventional and the original. Truth is not the monopoly of either so neither approach may be hundred percent correct or effective. What seems most instinctive to you today would be the right approach to follow, something that comes from within and feels right. While following the standard may reduce your effort and be a safe choice, it may also feel stifling. And your fresh idea may have the thrill of originality and discovery but take a lot of struggle before it has the desired result. So listen to your intuition and follow your heart today about the approach you want to take.

Astrologically the Hierophant represents the zodiac sign of Taurus which is all about earthy realism, security and comfort. The air energy of the Page of Swords may exhort you to push boundaries, come out of your comfort zone and have a more spiritual concern. While Hierophant is a major arcana card and a more powerful energy than the Page, by analyzing the two conflicting forces of social and individual expectations you may have to determine exactly how you want to lead your life. Trust your ability to hold your own and be decisive.
Have a great day!

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