Thursday, September 17, 2015

Four of Swords and Temperance

Today I am using the Druidcraft tarot deck to tune into the energies of the day.

The first card is the Four of Swords and this shows a man resting against the trunk of a tree with four swords lying next to him. He seems a bit pensive and lost in thought. Other depictions of this card usually show a knight in armour resting after a temporary truce in battle or someone recuperating after an illness. There is a sense of calm, however briefly it may be felt, and a need to disengage from active pursuits. The number four is concerned with concentration and consolidation of energy and suggests a period of inaction and going within. There is a feeling of security about it but there may also be a sense of boredom or disillusionment. This is a good time to just let yourself be and draw strength from your core. Take a minute to ponder over your life. Where is it that you truly want to go? Are your actions in line with your deeper, really important goals? What matters most to you and what needs to be protected? There may be a need for solitude today to conserve your strength. Health may need attention so avoid undue stress and take it easy with respect to your responsibilities. This is a time to let go of any communication issues or arguments in favour of your peace of mind.

The other card is called Ferylt in this deck and this corresponds to the major arcana number 14 and called Temperance. The image is of the Celtic sorceress Ceridwen preparing a magical life potion and is representative of the vital blending of contrasting but complementing energies that is needed to sustain life. Temperance is about balance, finding the right mix for your life and taking the right steps to put your life in balance. The card shows up when we need to put our life in order to correct various imbalances. Ask yourself where you are exhibiting excess or what area of life is out of balance. This is specially important in matters related to body and spirit. Any health concerns need to be attended to. Diet and exercise may be in focus. Are you being too practical, too emotional, too ambitious or too argumentative? Any excesses need to be tempered so recognize those areas and do what needs to be done to restore harmony.

Overall energies of the day point towards a need for slowing down and taking care of yourself in every sense. Four of swords is astrologically Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Libra while Temperance corresponds to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter. Today being Thursday is again ruled by Jupiter which is a greatly benefic planet that bestows good fortune and higher wisdom. Whatever concerns you may have today would have a long term benefic effect on your life. Sometimes the need to slow down manifests in order to prevent breakdown or loss of energy. Take this opportunity to restore yourself in body, mind and spirit and remain focused on the positive.
Have a great day!

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