Friday, September 18, 2015

Knight of Pentacles and the Magician

Today I am using the Robinwood tarot deck to get some insight into the opportunities and challenges we might experience.

The first card is the Knight of Pentacles and this represents the elemental energy of earth. Knights are associated with action, adventure and goals and pentacles has everything to do with the physical, material realm that includes money, finances, day to day work activities, health and all our assets and possessions. An opportunity in these areas may be likely. This knight is also the most stable and dependable among the four knights in tarot so it bodes well for financial matters. If you are considering a new investment or job make sure to be thorough with all the preparatory aspects of it and keep your paper work up to date. A slow, deliberate and cautious approach would be best today with regards to work activities or relationship issues. This is a time to be practical and avoid unnecessary risks. Tread on safe waters and prefer the tried and tested route today that will ensure you expend the least effort and get the most out of it. This knight is nothing if not goal oriented so today is a very good opportunity to get something completed and ticked off your list. So 'finishatives' not initiatives will be the highlight of the day.

The second card is the Magician and this is a major arcana card and may have greater significance today. This represents the planet Mercury which rules the intellect, communication and all forms of mental and intellectual processes. Today this represents the challenges so you may find it difficult to recognize the great power of your Will. Often we are reluctant to assume complete responsibility for our actions, choosing to blame external circumstances, events and people instead for our state. But ultimately the power within is the one that enables us to push against external forces and fulfill our purpose in life. We make our life by thinking the thoughts we think and willing things to happen. Our consciously directed actions are what help us physically manifest the life we lead. Be aware of any unconscious, knee jerk reactions to situations today that take your power away. Be aware also of someone who may try to manipulate you into reacting in a negative way. Avoid such manipulations and choose to act as per your will, keeping in mind the consequences of your actions. Awareness of your actions and the effect they have on your life may be an important lesson today.

There may be some kind of conflict between what you want to do and what is practically advisable today. The earth and air energies do not integrate with ease so effort may be required on your part to make things happen. Ultimately it would depend on the strength of your will and the persistence to follow through. So if something means a lot, keep on at it and your perseverence will pay off finally but if it is not what you truly desire it may be wise to remain steady and follow convention.
Have a great day!

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