Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Empress and The Sun

Card images from Hanson Roberts tarot deck,
Copyright U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Hanson Roberts tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: The Empress - This card represents abundance as lush as the bountiful Mother Earth. It brings success in personal and professional matters including health and finance, marital happiness, energy and vigour in day to day work issues and tremendous potential for future possibilities.

It is also a card of creativity and nurturing your personal goals, nourishing them with right actions and carrying them through to completion. Often the depiction is of a pregnant woman, emphasizing future growth and the need for letting things develop and mature at their own pace.

Card2: The Sun - This card represents achievement, happiness and freedom and is said to light up any surrounding cards with its energy. As a counterpart of the Empress it brings a feeling of success in all personal and professional endeavours this week. The Sun promises happy outcomes in all situations including those that had been stuck for a long time. There is a sense of burdens lightening, responsibilities reducing and the old tiredness of routine giving way to fresh perspectives and inner vitality.

When the tarot throws up such positive cards as these it does not mean life is all roses and perfection though it may certainly be an easy time. The Sun urges you to look for the power deep within you to make every moment shine, just by freeing your mind of negativity. The Empress inspires you to feel abundant within yourself and irrespective of your possessions, just by remembering how blessed you already are. May the almighty guide you to everlasting peace and happiness. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Four of Cups and the Five of Cups

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the gorgeous Golden Tarot for this reading.
Card images from the Golden Tarot by Kat Black,
Copyright 2003 U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

Card 1: Four of Cups - This card, being a number four, is about resistance to change and lack of enthusiasm on an emotional level. There may be nothing wrong as such in your environment. Infact, there could be abundance on every level and it is apathy to this very abundance that causes you to withdraw from the hustle and bustle outside and go inward. What you have in your environment no longer excites you.

An important symbol in this card is the cup being presented by an angel from above. It shows there are opportunities and possibilities  which you may be disregarding. This card shows up whenever we become too complacent about the blessings in our life and start taking them for granted.  Going within is the right way to analyze your feelings and know your priorities. However, don't let this mood cause you to miss opportunities that the present moment provides.

Card 2: Five of Cups - As the direct numerological successor of the four of cups, this card shows what happens when opportunity has been lost as a consequence of our own action or lack of it. This is the image of regret and loss which brings on an intense moment of self realisation, and a wish to isolate ourselves from the ordinary business of life.

The positive aspect of this card is that it shows all is not lost yet as three out of the five cups still remain standing. While the possibility of loss in the earlier card came from present apathy, the loss shown in the five of cups is in the past and can lead to missing future opportunities due to self absorption in and regret for what is already over.

This week the cards remind us about the importance of remaining firmly in the present moment and not letting opportunities slip by. There is a message here to get a grip on our overly emotional response to past events and to get away from negative feelings such as regret, grief, worry and apathy because these feelings only steal moments of true joy from our lives. Resist the urge to let your emotions rule this week and ground yourself through practical and routine physical activities. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Knight of Pentacles and The Emperor

Card images from the Crystal Visions tarot,
Copyright U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

 Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Crystal Visions tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: Knight of Pentacles - The knights in tarot are concerned with action and pursuing your goals with a very result oriented mindset. Their basic nature is fiery, passionate and driven and they personify the most dynamic quality of the element they represent. The knight of Pentacles is representative of the element Earth hence rootedness, dogged determination and a practical approach is how he moves towards his goals. These qualities will be important to you this week with regards to work and relationships.

You will bring a lot of focused energy to whatever you plan to do, making sure to avoid risks or any action that does not seem to give you expected results. You realize the importance of going about your routines in an orderly, systematic manner and avoiding all distractions in your path. Just make sure you don't eschew all sponteineity, especially in your interactions with others. Remember that being aware of the beauty and adventure that lies in your path makes the journey more pleasant than the destination.

Card 2: The Emperor - This card symbolizes everything that is representative of order, control and structure in your environment. In a broader sense this would include governments, law, society, rules and regulations. In an individual sense it may remind you of the necessity of creating some kind of structure in your life, setting up routines and procedures and following them diligently in order to get something important done.

Enforcing discipline in your day to day life is what the Emperor in you may want to do this week. If life has been chaotic recently or you've been unable to focus your energies towards a goal, this week you may find a shift in your attitude and an increase in will power.

A surge in energy will cause you to step up and take charge of your life this week. Recognize and respect the desire that rises from within to take action and make things happen. Methodical planning and a clear vision of what you want to achieve will bring efforts to fruition. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ace of Cups and The Hierophant

Card image from the Smith Waite Centennial tarot deck,
Copyright U.S.Games Systems, Inc.,2009

Here's your tarot forecast for the week ahead. I am using two cards from the Smith Waite Centennial tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: Ace of Cups - This card brings with it the promise of renewed emotional energy this week. You will find it easy to express emotions and exude positive feelings in general. This card bodes good luck in all matters of the heart and can indicate new beginnings, reconciliations and more openness in relationships.

You will find it easy to relate to people and be more accepting and forgiving of trivial differences. What matters to you at this time is showing your real side and giving people the freedom to express theirs. It's a great time to connect with and reach out to people without letting self-conscious thoughts restrict your true feelings.

Card 2: The Hierophant - This card symbolizes convention, tradition and affiliation to a higher social or religious order. It basically implies respect for conventional ways and letting yourself be guided by established processes rather than adhering to a more individualistic or radical philosophy.

This week you may find it easy to follow the tried and tested approach that has always delivered rather than try out something original. You may seek inspiration from people who seem veterans in a particular area or have had more experience and learning than you. You're eager to follow in their footsteps not just because it's easier but also because you genuinely feel it's the best approach.

This week, there is a realization that sometimes it's best to go with the flow rather than push yourself against the current. You understand that there's no harm in doing what you've always done. In taking a more passive, receptive stance to whatever the universe has to offer, you actually invite more abundance and stability into your life. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Page of Cups and the Tower

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Hansen Roberts tarot deck for this reading.

Card images from the Hansen Roberts tarot deck,
copyright US Games Systems, Inc.

Card1: Page of Cups - This card represents a message or information that triggers a strong emotional response in you. The energy of the Pages in tarot is receptive, earthy and easily influenced by external circumstances. You may be very sensitive and impressionable to people and situations this week, getting either too involved in emotional matters or too withdrawn depending on the circumstances.

You would do well to remember that the change happening in your outside environment does not necessarily have to change your inner landscape. A level of detachment would prevent your getting too overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. Also remember that this detachment is not about being impervious to others' feelings, it's about safeguarding your own.

Card2: The Tower - This card suggests something powerful causing an emotional upheaval or triggering an outburst of pent up feelings. It could also be something as mundane as wanting to completely overhaul your daily routine. The Tower brings change that is uncomfortable at best and violently turbulent at worst. However, this is the only way nature brings about a resolution of things long pending for release.

You may be forced out of a comfortable zone physically, emotionally, intellectually or spiritually this week but at the end of it you will find acceptance and learn an important lesson for growth. The best way to go through the Tower energy is not to resist change but to welcome it, and to appreciate the wisdom it is trying to impart through an uneasy experience.

This week you will need to bear in mind that everything may not be in your control, that it is perhaps good that it is not. Things may shift and bring some kind of chaos in their wake, but this would help you see the bigger picture and make some important decisions about the future. Stay serene and Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

King of Cups and the Three of Wands

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Waite Smith Centennial tarot deck for this reading to get an overview of the energies playing out this week.

Card 1: King of Cups - This card brings an element of healing and understanding. It's all about staying in control with your emotions and subconscious feelings as these may still be lurking behind the scenes. You may get some kind of help in dealing with emotional issues, perhaps a sympathetic friend or elder person who can help bring clarity to something you have been dealing with in an immature manner.

You yourself could also be playing this role to someone in need so it is important not to get drawn into other people's affairs too much or you could end up bringing your own emotional dramas to the surface. The energy of this King is best for helping others and taking a broad view of relationships rather than sorting out trivial personal issues.

Card 2: Three of Wands - This card is about expanding your conscious awareness in the light of your experiences. This is a symbol of Sun in the zodiac sign of Aries, the one concerned with asserting your individual identity and fulfilling your spiritual purpose in life.

You are fearless, dynamic and full of optimism about what is to come. You hope for the best possible outcome in every area of your life. It's also a very positive card for success in ongoing projects and getting expected results from recent endeavours. You are now ready to leave the past behind and focus determinedly on your future goals.

This week there is a clear shift in your inner landscape from the water element of the King of Cups to the fire element of the Three of Wands. After resolving complex inner feelings you move to a more dynamic and active state of mind and assume greater responsibility for your actions. Stay centered and empowered as external events bring these changes to effect. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ace of Pentacles and the Four of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using two cards from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
Card 1: Ace of Pentacles - This week starts with renewed focus on everyday matters and material possessions including money matters, health and the homestead. This is one of the most earthy and grounded cards in the minor arcana and often may be rooted in mundane happenings rather than something profound or exciting. Nevertheless, it acts as a foundational step to greater material security and brings a sense of connectedness to life.

This card also shows up as a reminder to keep up your basic routines no matter how pointless or excruciating they may feel at times. It is important to go through these seemingly monotonous routines as this is the 'watering-the-plants' stage of your life with much to look forward to at a later stage. Keep yourself motivated as you go about with present hardwork. It's the key to future happiness and well being.

Card2: Four of Pentacles - This card suggests a secure establishment of the life you want to lead, a consolidation of resources you have been gathering for a while and a sense of order. Astrologically, this represents sun in the zodiac sign of Capricorn so there is stability, security and groundedness in your life this week. In matters of work you would be methodical and adopt a more conventional approach, no risk taking at this time.

In personal relationships you may be reserved, inclined to preserve peace and maintain the status quo rather than stir things up for adventure. Try and remain open to the emotional energy of others instead of closing yourself off or taking things too seriously.

This week you may want to consciously remind yourself to do things with more passion than you feel. Keep a lighthearted approach to things and try and think of ways to make your everyday routines more fun and joyful. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ace of Wands and the Knight of Swords

Here's your weekly forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite Smith tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: Ace of Wands - A new energy, a sparkling idea or a new impulse is coming your way this week, bringing loads of action and creativity. You would experience an increase in confidence and a general burst of energy at this time. You would be inspired and motivated to take charge of your life and steer it in the direction you have been wanting to for sometime now. This Ace brings tremendous vitality and vigour into your everyday actions so nothing seems mundane or trivial.

Card 2: Knight of Swords - The knights in tarot bring speed and action and this one in particular comes galloping with an impressive and almost chaotic energy. Things are sure to speed up this week and you may find yourself in a rush, trying to accomplish everything at once. Some events may take you by surprise as they occur unexpectedly and as if forced by circumstances.

The pitfall of this knight is overconfidence and an excessively intellectual approach to all things, including human relationships. This is one area where you would need to proceed with gentleness and understanding rather than get into a black and white, right and wrong argument. Try not to rub people the wrong way this week, even if they're unable to catch up with the speed of your thoughts and passionate zeal.

This week try and make the most of the high energy you possess and stay on course with your short term goals. However, stay grounded and practical where long term planning is concerned. In relationship matters you may be inclined to talk more and listen less and also come across as a tad domineering so try and temper your natural instinct with kindness and sensitivity.
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The World and the Five of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: The World - This week you will find yourself at the centre of all the important activities you are involved with at work or at home. You will recognize the importance of these activities in a larger context instead of getting annoyed by the excrutiating details you usually end up focusing on. You will enlarge your field of work in this manner and also ably support others in providing a central direction to them so work completion becomes easier and more orderly.

The card is astrologically associated with the planet Saturn that rules organisation and imparts a practical, methodical approach. Your long term efforts will bear fruit and bring you a sense of achievement and understanding.

Card2: Five of Pentacles - This card is traditionally associated with financial or health related challenges and bodes a somewhat uncomfortable time. It also shows the importance of not losing sight of your goal and carrying on with determination and persistence. However, this week, with the World card tying up the loose ends and bringing cyclical forces to a state of completion, it seems to be taking the focus from a strictly materialistic view to a more spiritual understanding of goals, priorities and inner values.

Having reached a significant stage in your life you may be required to consider your priorities and particularly those areas of your life where you find yourself lacking. You may find yourself looking at your life from the outside and finding some discrepancies between what is shown to the world and what you feel inside. Make sure to realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses and remain true to yourself as you prepare for the next phase. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

King of Wands and Eight of Cups

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: King of Wands - This card represents a person who is dynamic, self confident, action oriented and a natural leader. It could represent your attitude this week or someone in your life who you look up to. Wands, being symbolic of the element Fire, bring high energy, spiritual motivation and dynamic force into everyday activities. You are enthusiastic this week and may be required to provide direction and leadership to an important cause or event.  You would be in the helm of affairs, running from the front and inspiring everyone to put in their best efforts.

Card 2: Eight of Cups - Cups are representative of the element Water which is not considered compatible with the Fire energy of Wands. This combination causes conflict between your outer environment and the inner landscape of your emotions. The eight of cups shows a person walking away from two rows of five and three cups respectively, which hints at something missing or some sort of hidden instability within an apparently stable situation.

Astrologically, this card shows the effect of Saturn, the planet of restrictions, on the zodiac sign of Pisces, which is concerned with subconscious and hidden realms of the mind, deeper feelings and psychic insights. Inspite of everything being 'right' you could feel a pull towards something not clearly defined, something you feel compelled to explore further.

Your emotions may have something to do with the limitations or restrictions in your life that have assumed greater importance for a brief time. Spend some time away from the clutter and chaos of responsibilities to understand the true nature of these restrictions and how they bring stability and protection in your life instead of thinking of them negatively.

This week you may experience some contradictory emotions and a shift in perspective. It is the time to recognize and appreciate the things that are the framework of your life and provide structure, stability and order. Let your feelings guide you to greater peace and joy. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Nine of Wands and Five of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Rider Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1 - Nine of Wands: This card is about perseverance and staying on in the face of insecurities and fears. It's also about expecting something negative to happen. The card image shows a man holding on to a rod or baton, his forehead bandaged, implying that he's been through a rough situation in the past. Hence the basis for these fears lies in past incidents. While it is prudent to remain cautious and learn from past experiences, too much of this attitude could take away from a true life experience. Try not to be overly judgemental of people this week and let not your inner feelings cloud your reason.

Make sure you are well prepared, especially in a work situation, but avoid obsessing about the details as that may undermine your confidence. If you find yourself getting exhausted or overwhelmed by responsibilities and chores, take a short break to recharge yourself but do not give up; you may be closer to your goal than you realize at this point so just hang on and get on with it.

Card 2 - Five of Pentacles: This card signifies some challenges and feelings of inadequacy that may get your spirits down this week. However, more than a real lack it may point to feelings of lack that arise out of comparison with people who seem luckier and more well off than you in material aspects. Try to resist comparing your worth with others. You may be caught up in appearances this week instead of focusing on the big picture of your life, hence this consciousness of lack. Focusing on what you do have and being appreciative of it will go a long way in easing your worries and guiding you towards the path of improvement. An overly critical attitude will only make matters worse.

This week you need to guard against negative thoughts and feelings about yourself, your situation or the people in your life. Such feelings and thoughts may arise spontaneously and while you cannot always prevent things from happening a certain way you can certainly control your reaction to them. Respond positively and understand that things will not stay the same always. What goes down has to come up. Stay serene and have a wonderful week!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Page of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles

Here is your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using two cards from the Rider Waite tarot deck.

Card 1 - Page of Cups: This week again we have a Page as the first card which shows something new coming your way. Cups in tarot represent the water element and are symbolic of the energy of subconscious influences, emotions, deep feelings and sensitivity to the environment. These matters may play an important role this week and you may pick up on information of a subtle nature such as moods and feelings of people around you and be more influenced by them. Your creative impulse may be stronger at this time and new ways of doing things may come to mind. Relating to other people will be easier and communication will flow easily. Just try not to get too affected by your surroundings or take on other people's emotional burdens.

Card 2 - Ace of Pentacles: Aces in tarot signify beginnings and as Pentacles are concerned with the most earthy and material aspects of life, this week you may find new opportunities in this area. Money, health, day to day work activities and long term relationships will remain in focus and demand time and attention. This Ace is one of the most grounded one and hence its effects may manifest in a very mundane manner. This is the time to plant a new seed which means careful attention to detail and a practical, down to earth approach is required. It may take a while before you even think about reaping the harvest, now is the time for putting in consistent hard work.

Both the cards suggest a passive, receptive and nurturing quality this week. Any inspiration or idea you have must be put to good use so keep your focus on the bigger picture, accept new experiences with a positive mindset and do what you must, even if the effort causes some minor inconvenience.
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Page of Pentacles and the Ten of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Original Rider Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Page of Pentacles: This card, being a page, represents information coming your way and since Pentacles brings the elemental energy of Earth into force, it would have something to do with practical, day to day concerns of a material nature such as health, money, work related tasks or learning a new skill.

It could also indicate a trustworthy child, ward or younger person eager to take ownership of important family matters, someone who wants to assist or contribute in a small way for a larger group or cause.

Card2 - Ten of Pentacles: This card shows an image of material success and abundance with emphasis on long term asset building, family legacies and a cautious, conventional approach to the material aspects of life. Family issues and especially those concerned with incomes, expenditures and safeguarding of tangible assets may be in your mind this week.

You may receive some positive information or news concerning financial investments or property matters. Some of you might become serious about health and take steps for improvement in this direction.

There is a clear focus on both health and wealth this week and a reverential attitude towards the tried and tested. Your thinking is more grounded at this time and your goals and actions more realistic. Stay inspired as you inch closer to your dreams and have a wonderful week!

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Tower and the Three of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I drew two cards from the Rider Waite tarot for this reading.

Card 1: The Tower - This card shows a scene of chaos, upheaval, disturbance. The depiction is of two people being forcibly thrown out of a tower that has been struck by lightening. The people are shown mid air, heading towards a craggy landing place in the middle of the night.

The Tower card represents a powerful force of nature that can upend the carefully planned structure of our life in a sudden, chaotic event. There is a sense of powerlessness about this card and of being forced out of our comfort zone. You may experience some unease this week. It could manifest as a radical and life changing experience for some, a minor disturbance for others; however, it will cause a shift in energy and new perspectives to emerge.

Astrologically, the Tower card stands for the fiery planet Mars and you would feel its intensity at the beginning of the week. On a mundane level there could be angry outbursts or arguments and for a short while it may make things around uncomfortable. Just remember that this was inevitable, that there was no way life could continue in the same path without the release of this energy.

Card 2: Three of Pentacles - This card shows a skilled craftsman conferring with two people about some work related matter. The central figure in the card seems to be a leader, someone who knows his job and is confident about what he is doing.

This is a card of work done with dedication, finesse and self confidence. A very positive card to have with regards to professional matters and brings recognition for efforts and a rise in social standing.
Astrologically, this is Mars in the zodiac sign of Capricorn where the planet is exalted and very powerful.

Both the cards point to a need to channelise your high energy into purposeful and constructive activities. Mars energy being very action oriented gives you personal power, focused concentration and will power to finish long pending tasks, take quick, effective decisions and influence people. But it may also bring impulsiveness and insensitivity to others so take some time to think through before you act. Stay positive and have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Knight of Swords and The World

Today I decided to chuck the positional three card spread we've been doing for sometime and just pick two cards that would show what to expect in the upcoming week. It's a more intuitive way of seeking guidance and direction from the cards and paying attention to the duality underlying our lives. Also, my camera is behaving weirdly so I hope my words can convey the sense of the cards.

Card 1: Here we have the Knight of Swords on horseback, carrying a sword of course, and charging at high speed towards his goal. This card, being of the element of Air, indicates someone with a keen intellect and a gift of the gab. Someone who is fair minded and often in an extreme way, is impulsive, stands up for the cause of justice but can also tend to intellectualize issues and come across as thoughtless and insensitive. You could be this way, overly focused on something that's still up in the air and not pausing to consider the consequences. 

The Knight of Swords also represents events and situations happening at breakneck speed that may cause some kind of chaos and disturbance in day to day routines. It may represent sudden travel plans  or situations needing urgent attention. 

Card 2: Here we have The World card, the last of the major cards that represents completion of a goal, emotional fulfillment, success of an important endeavour and joyful involvement in a project. 

Astrologically this is Saturn, the planet that imparts wisdom through tough experiences and rigorous discipline. In combination with the first card it bodes well for whatever comes your way this week. While it may start off as chaotic and cause minor disturbance in daily routines it will end well and with a feeling of immense personal satisfaction for you. 

Overall it's going to be a fast paced week with some high energy that may seem overwhelming but will leave you with greater wisdom, endurance and ability to cope. Be realistic and back words with action when pursuing goals. Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Weekly Tarot forecast - May 9 to May 15

Card images from the Universal Waite tarot:
Knight of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Two of Swords
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Universal Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Knight of Cups: This card shows the key atmosphere or theme this week. The Knight of Cups represents a high degree of emotional energy coming your way. It could be the influence of someone you know. Someone sensitive, warm and diplomatic who you feel comfortable sharing your issues and concerns with.

It could also represent an event where you would have a chance to express your emotional energy such as interaction with an old friend, colleague or family member.
Invitations to an event, either personal or professional, are also sometimes indicated by this card.

Card 2 - Queen of Pentacles: This card represents you and your reaction to the energy shown by card 1. The Queen of Pentacles is someone very down-to-earth, practical and resourceful. It is also someone who knows the value of little, everyday things and cares for them in a nurturing sort of way.

With regards to the emotional energy of the Knight of Cups, your attitude is receptive, understanding and generous. You may have to play the role of a listener or provide some sound, practical advice to someone who eagerly seeks it out. As Pentacles stand for the material aspects of life, including money and health, you may have to deal with these as your primary areas of concern this week, most likely with regards to people you are required to care for.

Card 3 - Two of Swords:  This card represents how things will progress this week. You may have to assume a noncommittal stance especially concerning a dispute or argument in order to maintain peace. You may face a mental block and try to defer taking any sort of action for fear of upsetting the cart. You would need to confront the truth of the matter soon, however, for now it would be best to remain tactful and defer making any judgements or taking a definite course of action.

This week you may find concerns of other people rather than your own occupying most of your time and mental energy. Proceeding with empathy and compassion you can make a positive difference in their life, however, try not to get too emotionally drawn into their problems.
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Mar 28 to Apr 3

Card images from the Robinwood tarot deck:
Four of Swords, The High Priestess, Two of Wands
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Robinwood tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1 - Four of Swords: This card represents the key influence or energy this week. The Four of Swords indicates a time of rest, relaxation or recuperation. It's also about giving up the struggle temporarily to renew the energy and allowing a moment of peace in the midst of an ongoing battle. In relationship matters it is suggestive of truce or reconciliation. In work affairs it may suggest a return to order after a brief period of chaos.

Card 2 - The High Priestess: This card shows your reaction to the energy of card 1. The High Priestess points to a time of observation and introspection where inner states will assume greater significance. You will be inclined to think more than act, and passion for worldly matters will reduce. Ongoing issues or challenges may persist for more time so remain patient and desist from struggling or going against the tide at this time. It's best to be emotionally detached and internally strong until you find your natural drive and vigour return.

Card 3 - Two of Wands: This card shows how things will progress in future. You may have to consider venturing out of your comfort zone as the week ends. Your energy and passion will be renewed after a period of rest and you may find yourself taking some steps to effect a change in everyday routines and lifestyle. An increase in self confidence and desire to improve will help you overcome personal challenges. Relationship matters will be resolved as you take the initiative to communicate better and move on from past issues.

This week there is a clear shift in energy that has the potential to bring meaningful changes in your life. Honour your inner impulses and desire for peace and solitude as that will help you move forward with ease. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Mar 21 to Mar 27

Card images from the Crystal Visions tarot deck:
Nine of Cups, Justice, Three of Wands
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Crystal Visions tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1 - Nine of Cups: This card represents the key atmosphere or energy this week. It is the card of abundance and wish fulfilment, suggesting desires coming to fruition, success and emotional contentment.

Now is the time to focus on whatever you truly desire and acknowledge its existence in your life. Often we have our wishes fulfilled in unexpected ways so pay attention to what you have got. The card also indicates an atmosphere of comfort, luxury and heartfelt expression of feelings.

Card 2 - Justice: This card shows your reaction to the energy represented by card 1. Justice in this position shows that you would be fair and impartial in your judgements of people and situations. You would be aware of your past actions and ready to accept the consequences. It will be easy to sort out any differences of opinion with your cool, logical attitude. You may also be involved in some important decision making process for yourself or someone else.

Card 3 - Three of Wands: This card shows how things will unfold in the future. The Three of Wands is a card of expansion, growth and exploration. Having made an important decision, you would be ready to embark on another journey with courage, confidence and a desire for growth. Past learnings will prove useful in this quest and so will foresight and vision. You may also have reached a minor milestone or completed a piece of work which will give you immense satisfaction even at this early stage.

Understanding of the cause and effect cycles and how your actions determine significant events in your life is an important theme this week. As one wish comes true and you put another out in the universe, remember the power of your thoughts and actions that help make dreams a reality. Think positive and dream big. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Mar 14 to Mar 20

Card images from the Morgan Greer tarot deck:
Queen of Rods, The High Priestess, The Magician
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Morgan Greer tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Queen of Rods: This card represents the key theme or energy this week. The Queen of Rods signifies an active, busy lifestyle which demands energy for both work and play.

There may be an atmosphere of excitement and bustling activity around you that will be best tackled with a playful and gregarious attitude. This is also a good time to plan growth based strategies for ongoing projects and develop new, creative ideas for the future.

Card 2 - The High Priestess: This card shows your reaction to the energy represented by card 1. This week your personal energy is in direct contrast to the intensity, enthusiasm and impulsiveness of the Queen of Rods. The High Priestess signifies inaction and passive receptivity, and may involve some kind of secrecy on your part. You may want to play it safe in an atmosphere of bustling activity, observing keenly but not participating, for reasons known only to you.

On another note, The Queen of Rods could represent an actual person, someone in your life who is energetic, charismatic and inspiring; however, your reaction to this person may be not too enthusiastic. You could be pulling back from their chaotic energy, seeking solitude and withdrawal from social activities.

Card 3 - The Magician: This card represents how things will unfold in the future. As the week progresses you will become more aware of your power to mould people and situations as you desire. With immense tact and understanding of your surroundings and by communicating effectively, you will find it easy to make things happen, as if by magic. Whatever you desire with conviction can become a reality now, provided your will is strong and focused on your goal.

A great week for planning and execution of your short term objectives. While the beginning of the week will see you processing available information and taking your time to reflect on the viability of your plans, by the end of the week your focus would be on action and manifestion of those plans. Let your thoughts and words be aligned to your purpose. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Mar 7 to Mar 13

Card images from the Crowley Thoth tarot deck:
Seven of Swords, The Magician, The Lovers
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Crowley Thoth tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Seven of Swords: This card represents the key atmosphere or energy this week. The Seven of Swords card is named 'Futility' in this particular deck for the reason that usual methods of working often fail to produce desired results when this card's influence is felt.

Things may need to be handled in a subtle or round about manner this week. This is especially true with regards to relationship matters where you will need to be cautious and diplomatic. Now is the time to be gently persuasive and remain sensitive to changing moods and situations. Overt displays of strength or over assertiveness can cause plans to backfire and it will be good to have a backup plan of action just in case. It is important to not reveal all that's in your mind as your words could be misconstrued or misrepresented.

Card 2 - The Magus: The Magus, or Magician as is traditionally known, is card 2, representing your  reaction to the energy of card 1. It is a card of great personal power, charisma and awareness of your own power. You have all resources on hand to achieve your goal, all that you need is focused will power. You will be confident, charming, tactful and persuasive with excellent communication skills to take charge of your situation and grab any opportunities.

The only thing to remember with this card is to make sure your motivations are honest and honourable. This card is also often associated with trickery or deceit. So be aware of someone else with the personality traits of the Magician, who could have a subtly manipulative influence over you this week.

Card 3 - The Lovers: This card shows how things will unfold as the week progresses. The Lovers may signify an actual relationship between a couple, usually a passionate, committed relationship and is a very positive card to have in such a placement, bringing happiness and contentment. It could also signify a strong attraction or attachment to a person or thing, a profession, hobby or dream you may be passionate about.

There is also an element of decision making involved here and you might have to make a choice that is a matter of desire vs practicality. The card suggests following your heart's true desire for lasting happiness.

As all the three cards are associated with the element of Air, which is connected with thoughts and communication, this week you would have to think your way through situations and communicate with care. Choose your words wisely and consciously, honouring your true ideals. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Mar 1 to Mar 6

Card images from the Anna K Tarot deck:
Eight of Pentacles, Page of Rods, King of Pentacles
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. For this reading I am using the Anna K tarot deck.

Card1 - Eight of Pentacles: This card represents the key theme or influence this week. There is a lot of focus on getting the work done, using your talent and delivering the best. You will be busy and happy working. The card signifies a productive time professionally that calls for diligent, sustained effort towards completion of a project or task.

Routine or mundane life will not bother you, infact you will thrive in an atmosphere of stability and order. It is also a good time to practice your craft, get engaged in learning/training activities and add to your repertoire of skills.

Card 2 - Page of Rods: This card represents your reaction to the energy shown by card 1. You will be enthusiastic, curious and excited by the prospect of any new learning activity. You will be eager to learn by doing things and strive to get better at your work. Pages in tarot often bring messages or news of some sort and the Page of Rods signifies new work opportunities, positive messages related to your profession or new career options. A busy, energetic, outgoing life will suit you this week.

Card 3 - King of Pentacles : This card shows how things will unfold in the future. As the week progresses you will feel quite confident about your professional life. You can expect much stability and financial security at this time. You may make some important decisions related to your assets, property matters, health or financial investments. Slow and steady is the style of this King and it promises great returns and long term value in professional and business matters.

With two Pentacles cards this is a work focused week with emphasis on growth and expansion. The cards show that hard work and diligence will be rewarded. Be ready to give your best to whatever you do, pay attention to practical details and success will surely follow. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Feb 22 to Feb 29

Card images from the Chrysalis tarot deck:
The Star, Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Swords
Here's your tarot forecast for the last week of February 2016. I am using the Chrysalis tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1 - The Star: This card represents the key theme or atmosphere this week. The Star is a card of hope, tranquility and generosity of spirit. There's a feeling of having survived the worst and knowing you are protected, loved and blessed. It may have come from having gone through a period of emotional turmoil recently.

Now is the time to look forward to the future with a deep sense of self assurance. Things will start looking up and there could be new opportunities, recognition, fresh perspectives and a broader vision that will guide you this week. It's also about a calm acceptance of your vulnerabilities or weaknesses and the knowledge that whatever your situation in life, there is always hope for things to improve in the future.

Card 2 - Ace of Pentacles: This card shows your reaction to the energy represented by card 1. The Ace of Pentacles, like all Aces in tarot, represents new beginnings and opportunities. Being a Pentacles Ace, this card brings opportunities in the physical realm such as money, health, the homestead and all tangible assets and possessions including documents, contracts, etc..

The card often suggests a period of regular, routine activities which seem pretty mundane at the time but, looked at from a broader view, are actually the stepping stones to material security and happiness. You may find yourself engaged in your daily chores, working hard at something, getting documents or contracts in order, attending to your financial matters or beginning a new health regime, all with an eye on future growth.

Card 3 - Ace of Swords: This card represents how things will progress in the future. The Ace of Swords suggests the start of something in the realm of thoughts, communication or intellectual or ethical challenges of some kind. As the week progresses you would have the clarity of mind and purpose to strive forth with immense self confidence and a rational, progressive mindset.

Swords signify the power of words as much as thoughts so how you communicate and interact with people would be important. Your focus would be predominently logical rather than emotional so try and soften your stance especially when communicating with loved ones. Let yourself be guided by Truth - not only about your surrounding situations and people but also your personal beliefs and values, before making quick judgements.

With two Aces this week and the Star as the key theme, new beginnings, outlook and challenges are sitting on the horizon. Make the most of the opportunities coming your way and have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Feb 15 to Feb 21

Card images from the Osho Zen tarot deck:
King of Pentacles, The Devil, Three of Swords
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. For this reading I am using the Osho Zen tarot deck.

Card 1 - King of Pentacles: This card is named 'Abundance' in this particular deck and it represents the key atmosphere or overall theme this week. There is a feeling of security and stability in your life right now and this comes from knowing that you can have all you desire by doing the right things. There is an atmosphere of practicality, comfort, material abundance and readiness to enjoy the good things of life.

While a focused, practical attitude like that of the King of Pentacles can be very rewarding, sometimes it can cause us to develop a materialistic outlook or become complacent about our emotional or spiritual needs. This card is a reminder to assess which areas of life you are abundant in and which you need to refocus on with a fresh perspective.

Card 2 - The Devil: This card shows your reaction to the energy represented by card 1 and it is named 'Conditioning' in this deck. The Devil is about being trapped in a mindset conditioned by social values, personal beliefs or deep rooted fears in the subconscious mind. It often suggests masking our true feelings for the sake of keeping up appearances or seeking security in numbers. The image reveals the story of the lion who was raised by a flock of sheep and grew up believing himself to be one. There is a need to recognize your true self here and have the courage to honour your individuality.

In an atmosphere of abundance, you may have forgotten to pay attention to your real needs. Do you desire the material comforts and social or financial security represented by the King of Pentacles? Or would you rather follow your heart and tread a different path? Ask yourself if your present routines are helping you achieve your goals or hindering your happiness.

Card 3 - Three of Swords: This card represents how things will progress in the future. The Three of Swords card is named 'Ice-olation' in this deck and it has an important message for proceeding forward in a situation where you find yourself stuck or trapped by your thoughts. Thoughts, just like the swords in tarot, are double edged and can bring clarity as well as pain. You may need to break the icy shell around you by letting your true feelings guide you.

As the week progresses you may find yourself becoming burdened by your own negative thinking patterns. The way out may be in finding release through trusting your inner feelings about a matter of concern. In trying to act tough, communicating with your head rather than your heart, holding a grudge or disregarding your emotions, you may be causing yourself pain. Let go of the negativity and  allow yourself to feel the real thing even if reality hurts and you will find yourself in a much happier place eventually.

Let your thoughts and words find harmony through understanding. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Feb 8 to Feb 14

Card images from the Druidcraft tarot deck:
Seven of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, Page of Wands
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Druidcraft tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Seven of Pentacles: This card represents the key atmosphere or influence in your life at this time. It shows that the time may be right to reap a harvest sown earlier. You could expect the results of an endeavour or  find yourself eagerly, and a tad impatiently, waiting for some kind of action, reward or situation to unfold. The card usually urges patience, caution and careful assessment of a situation before taking action.

Card2 - Knight of Wands: This card shows your reaction to the energy represented by card 1. The Knight of Wands attitude is all about seizing the moment and going after your goal with great optimism, confidence and zeal. You would be quick to grab opportunities and prove your mettle. You could also be impulsive, impatient and not in a mood to wait for an appropriate time if there happens to be some delay. Avoid making snap judgements or act without thinking. Take a moment to define your priorities for this week and set realistic timelines for achieving your goals.

The card is also about a lot of quick action taking place which could manifest in various areas of your life such as moving your work or home location, making changes to your lifestyle or a lot of energetic and passionate interaction with people. It is good to follow your heart but also be sensitive to others' feelings.

Card3 - Page of Wands: This card represents how things will progress. Pages in tarot signify communication or news of some kind and this one, in particular, brings messages that are positive and uplifting, usually connected to work or enterprise. The Page of Wands is characterised by high enthusiasm, eagerness and curiosity and often may represent a young person who may delight you or prove helpful in some way. End of the week could bring some excitement and anticipation for the future.

The Wands cards suggest a lot of action this week, however, as we have the influence of the Seven of Pentacles, results may take a while to manifest fully. The mood is upbeat and the timing right for making significant changes in your routine or considering new ventures, whether in your professional or personal life. Take advantage of this positive energy and have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Feb 1 to Feb 7

Card images from the Universal Waite tarot deck:
Four of Cups, Ten of Cups, The Devil
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: Four of Cups - This card represents the key atmosphere or influence in your life at this time. It suggests some sort of boredom with what you have, a complacent attitude towards the opportunities that are available and low inclination to act or discharge your duties. There may be a feeling of having all that you need which could cause you to feel uninspired or maybe a lack of direction or purpose has lessened your drive.

Card 2: Ten of Cups -  This card represents how you react to the energy of the previous card. Instead of feeling negatively about your situation or allowing yourself to wallow in your internal state of apathy you would try and consciously push yourself to spotting the rainbows in your life, counting your blessings and accepting emotional support from friends and family. This is the right attitude to fight off any low phase you may be going through, however, make sure your attitude is realistic and resist from over emphasizing the good things in life.

Card 3: The Devil - This card represents how things will progress in the coming days. Towards the end of the week you may feel a sense of entrapment or becoming limited in your thinking. You may be forcing yourself to feel or act in a certain way because you think that will help you cope better. You may find yourself becoming confined by your attitude or thinking and although everything may be comfortable outside and you may be materially well off, you may feel an inner disconnect or unease by not being able to express your true feelings.

There is a sense of doing something without really wanting to this week. Try and analyze your feelings rationally before pursuing a set course. Card 1 may suggest a need for seeking solitude, going within, introspecting and resolving inner conflicts. By involving yourself in other, more practical matters and using up your emotional energy to engage with people rather than with your own self you may end up denying your true needs. Take some time out to get in touch with your inner self and know what your priorities should be before carrying on with other things. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Jan 25 to Jan 31

Card images from Crystal Visions tarot:
King of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Ten of Swords
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Crystal Visions tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - King of Pentacles: This card represents the overall atmosphere or key energy surrounding you this week. The King of Pentacles suggests that now is the time to get in touch with your earthy side and take a long term view of where you want to be in your life.

 You would need the qualities of this King in your life right now in order to capitalise on the opportunities you get and deal with any challenges on the way. Be practical, down to earth and self reliant as you go about your work, let your ambition drive you towards your goal in a quiet, steady and dependable manner.

This is the time to take advantage of convention and the tried and tested approach instead of going for the new and unpredictable. Being realistic and focusing on the job at hand is imperative in order to avoid distractions.

Card2 - Five of Cups: This card represents your reaction and how you are most likely to feel or act this week. The five of cups shows a picture of despondency, loss and clinging to the past. You may be feeling a bit stuck or allowing yourself to keep playing events of the past in your mind. You could be focusing on what is already gone or something that didn't meet your expectations.

It is important to leave the past behind if you do not want to miss the opportunities that are available now. And there is a lot waiting to be grabbed if only you would look around. Try not to let emotions cloud your reason. Take inspiration from the King of Pentacles and ground yourself in his earthy practicality.

Card 3 - Ten of Wands: This card represents how things will move forward this week. You may find yourself taking on more work than you can enjoy and feeling overburdened by your responsibilities. Try to delegate or take help from people around you instead of doing it all by yourself.

The card suggests that you may be taking yourself too seriously and not taking care of your personal needs. As the week progresses and you feel the energy of this card, try and consciously make time for some fun and relaxation in your daily routine.

Work and emotions play a significant role this week. It is important to maintain balance and not let one dominate the other. Have realistic expectations of yourself and others and make sure you attend to your own health and well being to avoid getting stressed.
Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Jan 18 to Jan 24

Card images from the Robinwood tarot deck:
Ace of Wands, The Tower, Six of Swords
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Robinwood tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Ace of Wands: This card represents the  atmosphere / key influence or energy that surrounds you. The Ace of Wands in this position stands for a new beginning or opportunity, especially one connected with work, business or enterprise. It may also suggest a new direction in life, an inspiration or idea taking birth and discovering a new passion.

The highly potent, fiery energy of this Ace brings increase in activity, creativity, insight, ambition and desire for improvement. However, if not acted upon or seized at the right moment it can also fizzle out soon.

Card2 - The Tower: This card represents your reaction. It is the energy you bring to either support or oppose the energy of card 1. The Tower, astrologically represented by the planet Mars and symbolising the element of Fire, fully complements the energy of the Ace of Wands.

The Tower is a powerful, electric force that stands for shaking up of the old order and recharging the energy of life. You are dynamic, passionate, ready to act and take advantage of the opportunity represented by the Ace of Wands.

However, do keep in mind that the Ace of Wands type of opportunity may also manifest as increase in aggression and ego based responses and the Tower often suggests explosive emotional reactions. In matters that need subtlety and sensitivity, such as personal relationships, you may need to tread cautiously and temper your high energy with understanding and tact.

Card3 - Six of Swords: This card represents how things will progress in the future. The Six of Swords is about movement from a place of turbulence to a place of calm. It often suggests healing of emotional hurts in the past and improvement in communication issues.

If the Tower experience causes any upheaval, upset or tumult in your life it is likely to get sorted by the end of the week. Things will move forward and get better after a period of struggle and order will be restored after chaos.

With two Fire cards and one Air, the cards bring a lot of active energy into play this week.
Your actions may have far reaching effects so channel them with your strong and positive will in the direction of your choice so as to have the maximum impact. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Jan 11 to Jan 17

Card images from Morgan Greer tarot :
Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Wands, The Moon
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using the Morgan Greer tarot deck.

Card1: Wheel of fortune - This card represents the overall mood or atmosphere this week. It is a major arcana card signifying an important change or time of transition in your life which has already happened. This is the wheel of life which is constantly in motion and it has an important and timeless message for you. Change is what life is all about and being a part of it is what makes us move forward in life. Accept this shift of energy with confidence and faith.

Card 2: Nine of Wands - This card represents your reaction to the energy represented by card 1. The Nine of Wands is about being at the ready, being prepared for tough situations and displaying strength of character. This is the right attitude to deal with the change that the Wheel of fortune has set in motion. You have the stamina and physical and mental strength to go ahead and keep things in control.

The card may also suggest some inner concerns or insecurities that you may be preparing yourself to battle. You may also be defensive or a bit suspicious of anyone who does not respect your personal or social boundaries. Try not to judge people too harshly as your sensitivity may be stemming from your own inner conflicts rather than any external source.

Card 3: The Moon - This card represents how things will progress. The Moon is a card which brings to fore some inner or subconscious feelings that you may have reason to keep hidden from the world.

As the week progresses you may find yourself in the grip of a strange, inexplicable fear or confusion. The Moon card usually also throws light on issues in the distant past which you may be trying to keep out of your conscious mind. Try not to take these feelings too seriously as they may be temporary and will resolve on their own.

The Wheel of fortune and the Moon being major arcana cards may point to issues of significance to you this week. However, both suggest things in a state of transition so your feelings may undergo a change sooner than you believe possible at the time. Remember your attitude can go from being strong and self protective to being too restrictive. Treading a fine balance is important as is having faith in yourself. So think positive thoughts and have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Weekly tarot forecast - Jan 4 to Jan 10

Card images from Crystal Visions tarot:
Death, The Empress, Eight of Swords 
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Crystal Visions tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1 - Death: This card represents the key energy or atmosphere this week. The Death card is all about ending what must end. However, this ending is more about a transforming experience than about a feeling of loss.

Something in your life may need a shift of perspective or energy. Something that is no longer serving its purpose. By allowing it to wane out of your life as a natural process and accepting the inevitability of this change you would be able to move forward with a positive vision, faith and confidence.

As this is the key influence in your life this week remember that the process of change and transformation has already been set in motion and by resisting it you would only be bringing feelings of unease and aimlessness to the fore.

Card 2 - The Empress: This card represents your attitude to the energy represented by card 1. The Empress is all about confidence, passion and an attitude of abundance. When you feel like the Empress you tap into your nurturing energy and creative power. Everything seems possible because of the infinite potential it carries. Be self assured like the Empress and let life unfold as you go along. Both the cards signify a major shift in energy this week and something that will take a while to have tangible effects in your life.

Note that the card shows the image of a pregnant woman, signifying new life in a nascent, devloping state. It is the time to be patient, confident and remain poised in the knowledge that you carry within yourself the seed for your future life. Positive feelings and affirmations will help manifest your desire into reality.

Card3 - Eight of Swords: This card represents how things will progress. The Eight of Swords is a classic card of being trapped by your own negative, fear based thinking. The two earlier cards suggest ending of something followed by development of something new. But it may take time to manifest. If you allow yourself to lose faith in your own abilities and give up your ideals and goals at this juncture, you will block your own progress.

The situation shown by the Eight of Swords may seem bleak, however, it is only limited by your vision and perspective. The moment you decide to act with conviction and brave all odds by conquering your inner fears, they will cease to block your way.

As the week progresses you may find your confidence and conviction affected by some negativity or minor difficulties arising from within you or your surroundings. Try not to let them overpower you and cause a sense of hopelessness. Accept the challenges on your way with fortitude and move on.
Have a wonderful week!