Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Empress and The Sun

Card images from Hanson Roberts tarot deck,
Copyright U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Hanson Roberts tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: The Empress - This card represents abundance as lush as the bountiful Mother Earth. It brings success in personal and professional matters including health and finance, marital happiness, energy and vigour in day to day work issues and tremendous potential for future possibilities.

It is also a card of creativity and nurturing your personal goals, nourishing them with right actions and carrying them through to completion. Often the depiction is of a pregnant woman, emphasizing future growth and the need for letting things develop and mature at their own pace.

Card2: The Sun - This card represents achievement, happiness and freedom and is said to light up any surrounding cards with its energy. As a counterpart of the Empress it brings a feeling of success in all personal and professional endeavours this week. The Sun promises happy outcomes in all situations including those that had been stuck for a long time. There is a sense of burdens lightening, responsibilities reducing and the old tiredness of routine giving way to fresh perspectives and inner vitality.

When the tarot throws up such positive cards as these it does not mean life is all roses and perfection though it may certainly be an easy time. The Sun urges you to look for the power deep within you to make every moment shine, just by freeing your mind of negativity. The Empress inspires you to feel abundant within yourself and irrespective of your possessions, just by remembering how blessed you already are. May the almighty guide you to everlasting peace and happiness. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Four of Cups and the Five of Cups

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the gorgeous Golden Tarot for this reading.
Card images from the Golden Tarot by Kat Black,
Copyright 2003 U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

Card 1: Four of Cups - This card, being a number four, is about resistance to change and lack of enthusiasm on an emotional level. There may be nothing wrong as such in your environment. Infact, there could be abundance on every level and it is apathy to this very abundance that causes you to withdraw from the hustle and bustle outside and go inward. What you have in your environment no longer excites you.

An important symbol in this card is the cup being presented by an angel from above. It shows there are opportunities and possibilities  which you may be disregarding. This card shows up whenever we become too complacent about the blessings in our life and start taking them for granted.  Going within is the right way to analyze your feelings and know your priorities. However, don't let this mood cause you to miss opportunities that the present moment provides.

Card 2: Five of Cups - As the direct numerological successor of the four of cups, this card shows what happens when opportunity has been lost as a consequence of our own action or lack of it. This is the image of regret and loss which brings on an intense moment of self realisation, and a wish to isolate ourselves from the ordinary business of life.

The positive aspect of this card is that it shows all is not lost yet as three out of the five cups still remain standing. While the possibility of loss in the earlier card came from present apathy, the loss shown in the five of cups is in the past and can lead to missing future opportunities due to self absorption in and regret for what is already over.

This week the cards remind us about the importance of remaining firmly in the present moment and not letting opportunities slip by. There is a message here to get a grip on our overly emotional response to past events and to get away from negative feelings such as regret, grief, worry and apathy because these feelings only steal moments of true joy from our lives. Resist the urge to let your emotions rule this week and ground yourself through practical and routine physical activities. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Knight of Pentacles and The Emperor

Card images from the Crystal Visions tarot,
Copyright U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

 Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Crystal Visions tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: Knight of Pentacles - The knights in tarot are concerned with action and pursuing your goals with a very result oriented mindset. Their basic nature is fiery, passionate and driven and they personify the most dynamic quality of the element they represent. The knight of Pentacles is representative of the element Earth hence rootedness, dogged determination and a practical approach is how he moves towards his goals. These qualities will be important to you this week with regards to work and relationships.

You will bring a lot of focused energy to whatever you plan to do, making sure to avoid risks or any action that does not seem to give you expected results. You realize the importance of going about your routines in an orderly, systematic manner and avoiding all distractions in your path. Just make sure you don't eschew all sponteineity, especially in your interactions with others. Remember that being aware of the beauty and adventure that lies in your path makes the journey more pleasant than the destination.

Card 2: The Emperor - This card symbolizes everything that is representative of order, control and structure in your environment. In a broader sense this would include governments, law, society, rules and regulations. In an individual sense it may remind you of the necessity of creating some kind of structure in your life, setting up routines and procedures and following them diligently in order to get something important done.

Enforcing discipline in your day to day life is what the Emperor in you may want to do this week. If life has been chaotic recently or you've been unable to focus your energies towards a goal, this week you may find a shift in your attitude and an increase in will power.

A surge in energy will cause you to step up and take charge of your life this week. Recognize and respect the desire that rises from within to take action and make things happen. Methodical planning and a clear vision of what you want to achieve will bring efforts to fruition. Have a wonderful week!