Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - The World

Today's card is the World from the Druidcraft tarot deck and this is about completion, integration and recognition of your efforts.

Finally things will seem to make sense, you will be able to appreciate recent events in the light of your current understanding. This is the card for material and financial success, resolution of health and relationship issues, appreciation at work and travel opportunities.

Completion of a phase or cycle is another theme suggested by this card. You may be ready to make some changes to your lifestyle at this time in order to move forward and fit into the new life you have envisioned. With the knowledge you have of your own abilities, limitations and circumstances you would be able to make adjustments with ease and gain a balanced perspective of your life. And those boundaries within which you hope to operate would not seem restrictive today, rather they would provide protection and security until you are ready to expand your horizons.

This is a time of active participation and involvement in worldly activities without getting distracted by mental and emotional weaknesses. It is important to learn from past experience but equally imperative to gather new experiences that would lead to greater understanding.

Approach everything with a positive frame of mind today and appreciate your contribution to the business called Life. However small or insignificant it may seem to you at times, your unique energy matters and has an important role to play. Make every experience count and have a great day!

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