Monday, November 16, 2015

Tarot card for Monday - The World

I am using the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck to get some insight into the energies and daily influences that may manifest this week. Today's card is the World and as the last card of the major trumps in tarot, this shows the completion of an important phase in your life followed by preparation and development of the next.

The week will start on a positive note. There may have been some emotional or intellectual conflict in the recent past where you temporarily felt out of place or things didn't seem to make sense. Today is a time to regain some of that perspective and see how you can tie any loose ends in your life.

You would understand how events, actions and reactions are interconnected and repeat a predictable pattern. You would be in a position today to understand the cyclical forces of nature and how continuing with old habits and behaviours will always lead you to the same result. The key is to break the cycle through conscious, rightful action and move ahead.

This card is about developing a sense of unity with yourself and others and knowing how individual action can affect not just one individual but several connected to him or her. Awareness of the future consequences of our present actions can enable us to take the right decisions. The first step towards that is to find serenity and completeness within yourself and direct the power of your thoughts and actions in a purposeful manner that will have a positive effect on the world.
Have a great day!

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