Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Five of Wands

Today's card is the Five of Wands from the Druidcraft tarot deck and it suggests some minor conflicts, hassles and arguments that may ruffle your feathers today.

The feeling of chaos and disharmony shown in the Five of Wands is not something permanent and hence not to be taken very seriously. We all have to go through those little struggles every day which can cripple us and distract us from our goals if made much of. The key is to be like the black hen in the background. Ignore little things that don't seem to add up and remain focused on what you have to do.

There may be some disagreements with people and unless you want to spend the day fighting and bickering over trivial details do not get into a situation that is not worth your time or attention. There may be a feeling of competitiveness in the workplace or at home where everyone seems to have a point of view about everything.

Even if you find it impossible not to participate, keep yourself grounded and know that you can back off any time you choose. Do not lose this power of choice and get into a deadlock. Take the initiative to bring conflict under control. If communication seems to be heading in the wrong direction, use humour or play it down to set the perspective right.

As you go about battling little hurdles today, remember to take it all in your stride and focus on the bigger picture of your life. Have a great day!

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