Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - The Chariot

Today's card is the Chariot from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck and this is all about going forward with a strong sense of purpose and focus.

The Charioteer shown in the card is a man of the world, ambitious, successful and self assured. There may be internal or external forces trying to pull you in opposing directions but with great skill, determination and sheer force of your strong will power you will overcome all odds and emerge victorious.

This is the time to have full confidence in your abilities and not give way to weakness of will. Professionally you can be at the top of your game provided you remain focused on your goals and know how to deal with people in a way that works in your favour. That means you need to adapt your communication style based on who you are working with and not let any personal prejudices come in the way.

With some firm and skilful handling you can motivate people and get them to co-operate. Let your inner drive and instincts guide you towards your goal today.
Have a great day!

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