Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Nine of Cups

Today's card is the Nine of Cups from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck. It's a time of contentment and indulging in some happy, relaxed moments.

You may not be in the mood for work today and may not have to. A celebration or get together may be likely. You would enjoy luxuriating in comfortable surroundings and taking delight in simple pleasures of life, eating, drinking and making merry. This is also called the wish fulfillment card so expect some of your wishes to come true today. More importantly, your positive state of mind and hopefulness can bring some desires to fruition so keep your thoughts in the right direction.

The atmosphere of abundance in this card suggests a feeling of self satisfaction. While this is a good thing watch out for signs of weaknesses and over indulgence that can distract you from your purpose. There may also be an element of exaggerating your sense of well being and showing off in front of others. Ask yourself if you are being authentic to your real self today or simply putting up an act and avoiding deeper issues.
Have a great day!

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