Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Two of Pentacles

Today's card is the Two of Pentacles from the Robinwood tarot deck and this is about how we perform in a situation where balance is key.

Often we are required to put up a brave face and continue to perform to the best of our abilities, even when inside we may not be feeling so confident or energetic. We keep going because that's the only way to be, because we have responsibilities and if we don't keep on at it and focus on the present moment we may lose our grip on life.

This card is ruled by Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Capricorn so qualities of dedication, single minded devotion and perseverence are important. Here you are juggling a number of roles and responsibilities seemingly with ease, however, your hard work and inner strength are what get you through. The card points to the usual ups and downs of life and how they should be handled - in a mature, efficient and playful manner. Prioritisation and time management skills will be essential to reduce the sense of chaos if you have much to do in little time. Make sure you have a dynamic action plan to do everything that needs your attention today.

Pentacles are all about the physical and material world that comprises you - your health, resources, day to day work, money and other assets including family. As you juggle these today and play different roles remember to remain playful and have fun because life's short and so are our experiences of pleasure and pain.
Have a lovely day!

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