Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Nine of Swords

Today's card is the Nine of Swords from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck. This comes as a reminder today to enable you to rise above your thoughts that may be giving way to negativity or anxiety.

The image in the card is of sorrow and worry which may be the result of something that went wrong in the past. You may feel incapable of stopping this train of thoughts that is pulling you down into the doldrums.

It is not easy to see that the darkness we encounter in difficult times is there for a reason. But we may find solace in the fact that the deepest dark is always, without fail, followed by dawn. The wheel of life is constantly on the move whether times are good or bad or usual. Things will change and so will our feelings. Often the situation depicted by this card is less severe than how the mind perceives it. We need to keep reminding ourselves that worry is the result of thoughts going out of control. And thoughts can be changed.

The key is to find hope and strength within your heart rather than allow the mind to restrict and trap you in negative, fear based thinking. If there is no solution there is always the possibility of correction. So if something is worrying you today, remember our sorrows and disappointments bring us the greatest life lessons. Learn your lesson and make it a great day!

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