Friday, November 20, 2015

Tarot card for Friday - Four of Cups

Today's card is the Four of Cups from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck and it shows an opportunity coming your way.

Something interesting or valuable may come as a gift or as a result of your past endeavours. However, you must be in the right state of mind in order to make the best use of it. The person depicted in the card seems a bit out of sorts. May be it is disinterest, a lack of drive or fear of uncertainty that is the cause of this apathy. Ask yourself what is holding you back.

The card may also point to a temporary need for solitude and taking a moment to assess what life means to you. There may be a feeling of contentment or not having a reason to push yourself when you already have all that you need. However, just as opportunities often come without knocking at our doorstep, hard times also can make an appearance.

There is a sense of not knowing what to make of things that are offered today. But you may not feel the same way at some later date and so it is important to grab what is presented. Missed opportunities soon turn into regrets and nothing worthwhile is achieved without action. So take some time to think it over but do not lose a good opportunity.
Have a great day!

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