Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - Three of Cups

Today's card is the Three of Cups from the Robinwood tarot deck. This is generally associated with friendship, communication, exuberance and today it seems to be pointing at the importance of networking in our lives.

As social animals we all understand the significance of having the support of others and providing support to them as and when required. This sounds a bit transactional and conditional but there is a recognition within this instinctive need, of a greater theme. That of the essential connectedness of human spirit and how deeply we seek that connection with our fellow beings.

You will derive much comfort and pleasure from human company today. Some of you may connect with old friends and have a lot to share, some will find emotional satisfaction in expressing their true feelings to their loved ones. Showing affection and gratitude by words will be easier today. Business networking will bring success and your individual contribution in a team setting will be much appreciated. Whatever your particular situation, there will be an acknowledgement of the people that make up your immediate and extended social circle.

Enjoy the meaningful conversations and camaraderie today as you share ideas, feelings and insight.
Have a great day!

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