Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Seven of Cups

Today's card is the Seven of Cups from the Robinwood tarot deck and it shows the image of a mind carried away by its own imagination and dreams.

Usually our dreams and desires function at tandem and often become the seed of empowering emotions and purposeful action. In such a capacity it makes sense to pay heed to their underlying message. But the imagination depicted in the Seven of Cups is of a different kind. It is an illusion of a mind that is slowly losing touch with reality and becoming trapped by its own wanderlust.

There is a need today to wake up from your day dreaming. What appear to be opportunities may be castles in the air that your unconscious desires have conjured. You need to prioritise your goals and narrow down the list to a couple that you can actually focus and act upon.

The card also shows up in relationship issues when we assume the picture in our mind to be the only truth. Astrologically, this is Venus in Scorpio and emotional responses may tend to be extreme. Resist the urge to take everything too seriously today and do not act from a place of mistrust as your assumptions may be wrong.  

Keep things in perspective and trust facts more than feelings today. Immersing yourself in daily routine activities and simply doing your job may be the best way to keep yourself grounded.
Have a great day!

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