Monday, November 30, 2015

Weekly tarot forecast - Nov 30 to Dec 6

Six of Swords, Queen of Cups, Wheel of Fortune
Card image is from the Rider Waite tarot deck
Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using the Rider Waite tarot deck. This is a three card spread which shows the general atmosphere or energy this week, how you will react to this energy and what it may lead to.

Card 1 - Six of Swords: This card represents the general atmosphere this week and what opportunities or challenges may be in store for you. The card shows two figures huddled in a boat being carried ashore by another person.

At first glance this shows a journey by water but it could represent either a physical or an emotional or inward journey. The mood seems sombre but serene. As swords usually represent communication issues not much seems to be happening on that front. Communication may be low, people would go about their business without saying much to each other and things would progress at a slow but steady pace.

If you have been facing issues related to people management or communication expect things to start getting better now. You may also get a helping hand when you need it and will have inner strength and fortitude to handle minor setbacks or difficulties. You will find a way to move forward from a complex or difficult situation. This is also a card of healing so issues related to health and heart will get better.

Card 2 - Queen of Cups: This card represents how you would react to the energy represented by card 1. The Queen of Cups comes with a very receptive attitude that helps you to empathize with people and your own feelings and emotions. Your instincts at this time will be spot on and lead you to greater understanding of situations and chance events. You will understand the nature of opportunities offered to you and be ready to grab them. Creative ideas should be nurtured privately with great confidence and passion until it is time to reveal them to the world.

Let yourself be guided by your higher self this week rather than give in to petty human weaknesses such as jealousy, anger and personal prejudices and you will find much power within yourself to bring positive change in your life.

Card 3 - Wheel of Fortune: Card number 10 comes heralding a period of change in your life. You would find your priorities and mindset shifting by the end of the week, reflecting the changing outer circumstances. If you fear the change you may feel some unease or loss of control. However, if you accept it as a natural outcome of your actions and cyclical forces of nature you will find much to look forward to. Remain centred in the knowledge that time and life will help make sense of things that seem arbitrary in the immediate moment.

The cards seem to be suggesting gradual movement and growth this week which may manifest either physically or spiritually for you. Be open to the insights that come your way through self reflection or interactions with people, they may have an important lesson for you.
Have a wonderful week!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekly tarot forecast 23 Nov to 29 Nov

Card image from the Rider Waite tarot deck(from left to right):
Ace of Cups, Three of Pentacles, Nine of Swords
A note to readers of this blog:

Hello Friends,
I hope you have enjoyed the daily readings I have been doing here for some time. From this week I would be doing a weekly forecast using a three card spread. I will also share some of my past client readings from time to time for tarot lovers so we can learn new ways of reading the cards from each other.
Hope you find this new format interesting and useful. Do share your views/feedback in the comments section below and have a wonderful week!

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using the Rider Waite tarot deck for this.

Card 1 - Ace of Cups: This card represents the overall theme, atmosphere or energy this week. It shows an opportunity in the realm of emotions, love, relationships and creativity being offered to you. It may be a new love relationship, friendship, renewal of emotional ties with someone in the past, feelings of affection for someone special or an atmosphere of joy and emotional abundance in your life. It may also point at an interest in creative pursuits or a desire for beauty and harmony around you.

Card 2 - Three of Pentacles: This card represents your natural reaction to the energy represented by Card 1. As it is a Pentacles card it suggests a practical, down to earth approach which expresses itself in physical and material aspects and is a reactive rather than an active force. It is a good card for expression of creativity in work affairs, team working and co-operation with people. However, the way you would relate to people will be impersonal and utilitarian rather than involve an emotional connection. You will provide able guidance and support where required but would tend to avoid going deeper and probing your own or others' feelings. Some may misunderstand your natural reserve at this time and find you unfeeling, self centred or preachy.

Card 3 - Nine of Swords: This card represents the outcome or how things develop, given the situation (card 1) and your reaction to it (card 2). As can be seen in the image your impersonal approach to relationships may lead to some mental conflicts as the week progresses. You may be misunderstood by people or find yourself embroiled in needless arguments or allegations. You may say something to someone without really meaning to and later regret it. Try not to imagine the worst if this happens because things will not stay this way forever. The card may also point to over analysis or too much thinking around an issue that you have been working on rather passionately. Try not to let negative thoughts mislead you into feeling powerless and losing faith in yourself.

Overall the week shows a high degree of emotional involvement in some areas such as work and personal relationships. Make sure to plan well and think through the details before beginning a project or task. It is also important to maintain your drive and focus especially in the latter part of the week when you are likely to give way to distractions. Think positive and see opportunities in the trivial challenges you encounter.
Have a great week!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Tarot card for Friday - Four of Cups

Today's card is the Four of Cups from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck and it shows an opportunity coming your way.

Something interesting or valuable may come as a gift or as a result of your past endeavours. However, you must be in the right state of mind in order to make the best use of it. The person depicted in the card seems a bit out of sorts. May be it is disinterest, a lack of drive or fear of uncertainty that is the cause of this apathy. Ask yourself what is holding you back.

The card may also point to a temporary need for solitude and taking a moment to assess what life means to you. There may be a feeling of contentment or not having a reason to push yourself when you already have all that you need. However, just as opportunities often come without knocking at our doorstep, hard times also can make an appearance.

There is a sense of not knowing what to make of things that are offered today. But you may not feel the same way at some later date and so it is important to grab what is presented. Missed opportunities soon turn into regrets and nothing worthwhile is achieved without action. So take some time to think it over but do not lose a good opportunity.
Have a great day!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Nine of Swords

Today's card is the Nine of Swords from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck. This comes as a reminder today to enable you to rise above your thoughts that may be giving way to negativity or anxiety.

The image in the card is of sorrow and worry which may be the result of something that went wrong in the past. You may feel incapable of stopping this train of thoughts that is pulling you down into the doldrums.

It is not easy to see that the darkness we encounter in difficult times is there for a reason. But we may find solace in the fact that the deepest dark is always, without fail, followed by dawn. The wheel of life is constantly on the move whether times are good or bad or usual. Things will change and so will our feelings. Often the situation depicted by this card is less severe than how the mind perceives it. We need to keep reminding ourselves that worry is the result of thoughts going out of control. And thoughts can be changed.

The key is to find hope and strength within your heart rather than allow the mind to restrict and trap you in negative, fear based thinking. If there is no solution there is always the possibility of correction. So if something is worrying you today, remember our sorrows and disappointments bring us the greatest life lessons. Learn your lesson and make it a great day!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - The Chariot

Today's card is the Chariot from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck and this is all about going forward with a strong sense of purpose and focus.

The Charioteer shown in the card is a man of the world, ambitious, successful and self assured. There may be internal or external forces trying to pull you in opposing directions but with great skill, determination and sheer force of your strong will power you will overcome all odds and emerge victorious.

This is the time to have full confidence in your abilities and not give way to weakness of will. Professionally you can be at the top of your game provided you remain focused on your goals and know how to deal with people in a way that works in your favour. That means you need to adapt your communication style based on who you are working with and not let any personal prejudices come in the way.

With some firm and skilful handling you can motivate people and get them to co-operate. Let your inner drive and instincts guide you towards your goal today.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Nine of Cups

Today's card is the Nine of Cups from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck. It's a time of contentment and indulging in some happy, relaxed moments.

You may not be in the mood for work today and may not have to. A celebration or get together may be likely. You would enjoy luxuriating in comfortable surroundings and taking delight in simple pleasures of life, eating, drinking and making merry. This is also called the wish fulfillment card so expect some of your wishes to come true today. More importantly, your positive state of mind and hopefulness can bring some desires to fruition so keep your thoughts in the right direction.

The atmosphere of abundance in this card suggests a feeling of self satisfaction. While this is a good thing watch out for signs of weaknesses and over indulgence that can distract you from your purpose. There may also be an element of exaggerating your sense of well being and showing off in front of others. Ask yourself if you are being authentic to your real self today or simply putting up an act and avoiding deeper issues.
Have a great day!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tarot card for Monday - The World

I am using the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck to get some insight into the energies and daily influences that may manifest this week. Today's card is the World and as the last card of the major trumps in tarot, this shows the completion of an important phase in your life followed by preparation and development of the next.

The week will start on a positive note. There may have been some emotional or intellectual conflict in the recent past where you temporarily felt out of place or things didn't seem to make sense. Today is a time to regain some of that perspective and see how you can tie any loose ends in your life.

You would understand how events, actions and reactions are interconnected and repeat a predictable pattern. You would be in a position today to understand the cyclical forces of nature and how continuing with old habits and behaviours will always lead you to the same result. The key is to break the cycle through conscious, rightful action and move ahead.

This card is about developing a sense of unity with yourself and others and knowing how individual action can affect not just one individual but several connected to him or her. Awareness of the future consequences of our present actions can enable us to take the right decisions. The first step towards that is to find serenity and completeness within yourself and direct the power of your thoughts and actions in a purposeful manner that will have a positive effect on the world.
Have a great day!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Weekend tarot card - Six of Pentacles

This weekend's card is the Six of Pentacles from the Druidcraft tarot deck. This card is about giving back some of what you have received from the world in order to maintain the sense of balance, both within and outside yourself.

The image shows an old man giving to the needy. You may give or receive assistance in the form of money, knowledge, physical resources, time or emotional support. This is also about your perception of abundance and lack. See which side of the card you find yourself on.

The way in which balance is achieved may not seem exact but it would be fair. You will be given help if and when you are really in need of it. Likewise you may have to allocate your resources or prioritize between different areas based on what needs more effort and attention.

This weekend is a good time to be generous and give out freely to those who are in need of  your support, material or emotional. If you have been ignoring someone's needs because of lack of time or energy, make up for it now and shower them with care and affection without holding back. You will see much of it returning to you as goodwill and blessings always do.
Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Tarot card for Friday - Seven of Pentacles

Today's card is the Seven of Pentacles from the Druidcraft tarot deck and it seems to be suggesting a feeling of impatience that has its origin in unrealistic hopes and expectations.

You may have been quite enthusiastic about something and having done as much as you planned to accomplish you are eager to see the results of your endeavours. So what if you do not see them coming? Do you lose heart, get demotivated and quit halfway? Or do you keep going anyway and not letting circumstances and unfulfilled hopes get in the way of your dreams? How you choose to act at a time when things are not exciting or go to plan will determine the long term worth and success of your goals.

The key message of this card is the recognition of the significance of time. There's an old saying, when the fruit is ripe it will fall. It's no use plucking it before its time, your taste of it will only be bitter. The sweetness will come at the appropriate moment. So what should one do when when forced by circumstances to just wait for the right moment? Maybe, simply doing what needs to be done in the present moment will take the focus off something indeterminate and put it back on our own actions.

Attaching yourself to results of your past actions is not going to work in your favour. Do something constructive and keep yourself busy in routine work if you find yourself getting stuck or just waiting for something today.
Have a great day!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Ten of Pentacles

Today's card is the Ten of Pentacles from the Druidcraft tarot deck and today it seems to point to a materialization of abundance in different areas of your life.

There will be a general sense of well being, good health, financial stability and family support that would provide a good foundation in order to focus on the next phase of your life.

There may also be a sense of boredom with what you have because there is not much to desire at the moment. You may feel uninspired or unenthusiastic about change of any kind and be lazily ensconced in your comfort zone. Remember life will not have any meaning without a constant need for action and remaining motivated is the first step towards further development. Finding a passion is important. Make sure you do not run out of things to do and objectives to fulfill. Aim high and dream big.

This card is also about fulfilling your responsibilities and recognizing the cyclical nature of things. It's all about your attitude towards what you have been given in life. Ask yourself where in your life you find abundance and what is it that you take for granted. Abundance does not directly translate into more happiness, although it is what we most desire. Learn to appreciate and count your blessings. The things that we find mundane, routine and ordinary are actually the most special and magical and it is often after losing them that we truly know their worth.

If you enjoy good health, a comfortable financial situation, work that is fulfilling your basic needs or the support of friends and family, you have every reason to smile. Stay inspired and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - The World

Today's card is the World from the Druidcraft tarot deck and this is about completion, integration and recognition of your efforts.

Finally things will seem to make sense, you will be able to appreciate recent events in the light of your current understanding. This is the card for material and financial success, resolution of health and relationship issues, appreciation at work and travel opportunities.

Completion of a phase or cycle is another theme suggested by this card. You may be ready to make some changes to your lifestyle at this time in order to move forward and fit into the new life you have envisioned. With the knowledge you have of your own abilities, limitations and circumstances you would be able to make adjustments with ease and gain a balanced perspective of your life. And those boundaries within which you hope to operate would not seem restrictive today, rather they would provide protection and security until you are ready to expand your horizons.

This is a time of active participation and involvement in worldly activities without getting distracted by mental and emotional weaknesses. It is important to learn from past experience but equally imperative to gather new experiences that would lead to greater understanding.

Approach everything with a positive frame of mind today and appreciate your contribution to the business called Life. However small or insignificant it may seem to you at times, your unique energy matters and has an important role to play. Make every experience count and have a great day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Five of Wands

Today's card is the Five of Wands from the Druidcraft tarot deck and it suggests some minor conflicts, hassles and arguments that may ruffle your feathers today.

The feeling of chaos and disharmony shown in the Five of Wands is not something permanent and hence not to be taken very seriously. We all have to go through those little struggles every day which can cripple us and distract us from our goals if made much of. The key is to be like the black hen in the background. Ignore little things that don't seem to add up and remain focused on what you have to do.

There may be some disagreements with people and unless you want to spend the day fighting and bickering over trivial details do not get into a situation that is not worth your time or attention. There may be a feeling of competitiveness in the workplace or at home where everyone seems to have a point of view about everything.

Even if you find it impossible not to participate, keep yourself grounded and know that you can back off any time you choose. Do not lose this power of choice and get into a deadlock. Take the initiative to bring conflict under control. If communication seems to be heading in the wrong direction, use humour or play it down to set the perspective right.

As you go about battling little hurdles today, remember to take it all in your stride and focus on the bigger picture of your life. Have a great day!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tarot card for Monday - Page of Wands

This week I am using the Druidcraft tarot deck to get some insight into the daily influences, opportunities and challenges. Today's card is the Page of Wands and this is all about being ready to meet any life situation with enthusiasm and optimism.

The Page of Wands represents the energy of the Fire element in a developing state. There is potential for greatness but the right opportunities would be required before the potential can materialize in the real world as something achievable. You may be full of hope and eager to take on a new challenge today but you have a long way to go and a lot to learn before you can drive everything independently. There is a sense of adventure about this card and a lot of youthful energy.

You may need some kind of mature guidance to be able to achieve your goal today. Try not to be arrogant and insist on doing everything yourself or your own way. The card can suggest beginning of a new opportunity or endeavour where you may not have the required expertise but would be eager to learn and develop your skills. Be open to new ways of doing things and learning from more experienced sources.

Pages may also bring messages or information of use in future so remain open to possibilities if such information becomes available to you today. Also make sure you have the right resources and skills in order to complete your task. A good day to charm your way in a social or professional setting where your high energy will be impressive, attractive and bring much cheer.

Experience every situation deeply, learn from it and have fun as you go about your work. Have a great day!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekend tarot card - Ten of Cups

A beautiful picture of joy and contentment, the Ten of Cups, from the Robinwood tarot deck, is the card for this weekend.

The card depicts a simple feeling of contentment and joy, however, just as the rainbow is seen after a time of rain, cloud and maybe a storm, this joy may have come after a period of emotional turmoil and hence is to be cherished. In this sense it may signify the end of chaos, disharmony and discontent.

One important message of this card is that happiness needs to be expressed. Astrologically it is representative of Mars in Pisces. So Piscean qualities of receptivity, understanding and empathy with find expression through the passionate energy of Mars. You may find it easy to show affection and intimacy this weekend. You may want to spread the spirit of joy and celebration around and reach out also to those outside your immediate circle. Contact with people will bring much satisfaction today and you will be willing to share some of the abundance you feel now with others.

This is a good time to plan events and outings with family. The rainbow you see today may be fleeting and disappear soon, however, this contentment in your inner life would surely bring a more enduring sense of balance in other areas. It may be your spouse or your children, your friends or your parents, your colleagues at work or a caretaker; take some time to express your gratitude to those who bring a ray of sunshine in your life.
Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Tarot Friday - Six of Wands

Today's card is the Six of Wands from the Robinwood tarot deck. This shows a time of success in your life with recognition of your efforts and respect for your achievements by people around you.

Astrologically represented by Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Leo, this card shows you as the natural leader and centre of attraction. Your self confidence is at an all time high and is based on a genuine pride in your talents and abilities. You know you are worthy of all the adulation coming your way at this time. You are ready to provide a capable leadership to your team and such an offer is very likely to be made. Professional growth or a promotion, completion of an important milestone, a successful business deal or negotiation and success in examination are other possibilities with this card.

Just remain aware that the kind of success represented by this card is event based and in direct correlation to the efforts you have put in so far. By its very nature this success parade is transient and the feeling of being on top of the world would soon change into something more mundane as the moment passes. Do not let this affect you too much as you celebrate your victory. Especially guard against an exaggerated sense of self worth which may cause difficulties with people at a later stage.

It's a time to enjoy the success of your recent endeavours and celebrate the feeling of achievement, no matter how big or small it is. Let your exuberance and self confidence guide you towards your future goals with even greater focus and determination.
Have a great day!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tarot card for Thursday - Two of Pentacles

Today's card is the Two of Pentacles from the Robinwood tarot deck and this is about how we perform in a situation where balance is key.

Often we are required to put up a brave face and continue to perform to the best of our abilities, even when inside we may not be feeling so confident or energetic. We keep going because that's the only way to be, because we have responsibilities and if we don't keep on at it and focus on the present moment we may lose our grip on life.

This card is ruled by Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Capricorn so qualities of dedication, single minded devotion and perseverence are important. Here you are juggling a number of roles and responsibilities seemingly with ease, however, your hard work and inner strength are what get you through. The card points to the usual ups and downs of life and how they should be handled - in a mature, efficient and playful manner. Prioritisation and time management skills will be essential to reduce the sense of chaos if you have much to do in little time. Make sure you have a dynamic action plan to do everything that needs your attention today.

Pentacles are all about the physical and material world that comprises you - your health, resources, day to day work, money and other assets including family. As you juggle these today and play different roles remember to remain playful and have fun because life's short and so are our experiences of pleasure and pain.
Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tarot card for Wednesday - Three of Cups

Today's card is the Three of Cups from the Robinwood tarot deck. This is generally associated with friendship, communication, exuberance and today it seems to be pointing at the importance of networking in our lives.

As social animals we all understand the significance of having the support of others and providing support to them as and when required. This sounds a bit transactional and conditional but there is a recognition within this instinctive need, of a greater theme. That of the essential connectedness of human spirit and how deeply we seek that connection with our fellow beings.

You will derive much comfort and pleasure from human company today. Some of you may connect with old friends and have a lot to share, some will find emotional satisfaction in expressing their true feelings to their loved ones. Showing affection and gratitude by words will be easier today. Business networking will bring success and your individual contribution in a team setting will be much appreciated. Whatever your particular situation, there will be an acknowledgement of the people that make up your immediate and extended social circle.

Enjoy the meaningful conversations and camaraderie today as you share ideas, feelings and insight.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Seven of Cups

Today's card is the Seven of Cups from the Robinwood tarot deck and it shows the image of a mind carried away by its own imagination and dreams.

Usually our dreams and desires function at tandem and often become the seed of empowering emotions and purposeful action. In such a capacity it makes sense to pay heed to their underlying message. But the imagination depicted in the Seven of Cups is of a different kind. It is an illusion of a mind that is slowly losing touch with reality and becoming trapped by its own wanderlust.

There is a need today to wake up from your day dreaming. What appear to be opportunities may be castles in the air that your unconscious desires have conjured. You need to prioritise your goals and narrow down the list to a couple that you can actually focus and act upon.

The card also shows up in relationship issues when we assume the picture in our mind to be the only truth. Astrologically, this is Venus in Scorpio and emotional responses may tend to be extreme. Resist the urge to take everything too seriously today and do not act from a place of mistrust as your assumptions may be wrong.  

Keep things in perspective and trust facts more than feelings today. Immersing yourself in daily routine activities and simply doing your job may be the best way to keep yourself grounded.
Have a great day!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tarot card for Monday - Judgement

This week I am using the Robinwood tarot deck to get some insight into the daily themes and influences. Today's card is Judgement and this represents a moment of realisation and understanding that would be the key to making some important changes in your life.

You may be filled with a renewed sense of empowerment and direction. You would recognize the importance of reinventing yourself and your beliefs in order to move forward in your chosen path. This card is representative of the Fire element that causes us to participate wholeheartedly in the business of life and create and experience situations of growth. Your energy levels would be high and a strong sense of purpose would enable you to act consciously and dynamically.

Sometimes this card can also point to past issues coming to the fore. It may be the time to accept the consequences of your past actions and move forward with a mature understanding of yourself and others. As you see the futility of making petty judgements about people and situations based on the  limitations of mind and ego, you begin to get the wider picture of human life. You realize the importance of following your own heart and being true to yourself. This also means that you are ready to forgive others for their actions and allow yourself the freedom to move on.

Listen to your inner voice and recognize your true calling as you start a new week with enthusiasm and high energy. Have a great day!