Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Harmony and Maturity

Today I am using the Osho Zen Tarot deck to get some insight into the light and shadow aspects of the day.

The first card I drew is Harmony and it represents the qualities we need in order to bring more Zen- like awareness into our lives. This is the Ten of Cups in a traditional tarot deck and a card of material and emotional contentment and joy. More than the state of 'having' that kind of happiness in our life it is about being aware of the joy around us and 'feeling' the joy in the little things, in whatever you have right now. So you may technically not have many things compared to others or have lots of  concern with regards to finances, health or relationships but that doesn't bother you. You are in the here and now and at the present moment you simply feel satiated and complete. This is what the experience of Zen is like and it is something you achieve when you allow yourself to remain firmly 'in the moment'. Past and Future is inconsequential, you cannot let a moment other than the present determine your state of mind. And in the present moment you consciously choose to focus on the abundance rather than on the lack in your life.

The other card I got is Maturity and this is a very positive card too. However, in the shadow position it represents the qualities that may disrupt the Zen like calm in our life today. The message I get here is that knowledge or our sense of 'knowingness' may cause some ripples of discontentment to arise in our mind today. Instead of simply observing our passage through the day we may get caught up in daily grind of our day to day mundane affairs and forget to experience the joy in little things. Another thing that may take away from contentment is comparison. The different shades of colour on this card denote the variety of our experience, hence the quality of maturity. Experience can enhance learning but it can also leave one cynical and judgemental at times leading to loss of harmony and peace within. Let your knowingness remember the flowers today and resist the urge to look at the thorns. Allow yourself to stay in the present moment and savour the goodness of life.

This promises to be a day of great inner peace and happiness. Do not try to grab at this happiness today or attempt to analyze it. Be inspired by the deep source of positivity inside your heart and spread the love and happiness around. Have a lovely day!

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