Monday, August 24, 2015

Strength and the Seven of Pentacles

Today I am using my Druidcraft Tarot deck to get some insights into the energies of the day.

The first card represents the positive energy that would work in your favour today and it is Strength. The card shows a woman with a wild boar who she appears to have won over through her inner courage and compassion. The day might provide an opportunity to display your inner strength and fortitude which helps to tide over difficult times and makes you aware of the limitless nature of energy. It doesn't have to be something major, sometimes the little annoyances and trivial upheavels in our life seem too tough to tackle. In such times it helps to have a deep faith in your ability to survive and the knowledge that no matter how wild the beast may be, you can figure out a way to tame it. Another aspect of this card is in overcoming the beast within ourselves. We are constantly challenged by our own little imperfections and weaknesses that need to be understood and overcome with patience and determination. Recognize one weakness today and try to convert it into strength. It is ultimately a form of energy - indestructible but convertible.

The second card representing the shadow aspect of the day is the Seven of Pentacles which shows a figure trying to cut off the fruits from a tree. This could be a day of reaping harvest and in the shadow position could mean not getting the expected results or delays in getting what you want. Expectation is a big part of the Seven of Pentacles and this is the lens through which we often look at this card to understand its implication. Are your expectations realistic enough to be fulfilled? Are you being reasonable about the timeframe in which you expect the results of your labour? Sometimes our assessment of our own abilities can be very ego based and lead to disappointment. Understand that the universe may work with a different set of laws and this may not be the right time for whatever you desire. Resist the urge to cut the fruit before it has ripened. There may be a reason behind the delay and your best course of action today would be to take it easy, have patience and trust that when the time is right the fruit will simply fall into your lap.

Overall, the day seems to be challenging you out of your comfort zone and provide some higher learning. Be open to the message certain events may be trying to convey. Have a great day!

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