Sunday, August 23, 2015

Queen of Fire and the Knight of Swords

It's Sunday morning but no sun in sight. Black clouds are hovering outside my window, the air is thick and humid and the mood is sombre. Doesn't feel like sunday but it doesn't have to always, does it? Inside is warm and cosy and it's a perfect morning to lie in and rest, letting the dreams linger for a few more precious moments before the hustle bustle of the day starts. Ah! Much as I thought about it I just couldn't manage to hold the dream for longer than a few seconds and turned, with great anticipation, to my Angel Tarot cards for insight into the energies of the day.

The first card I drew was the Queen of Fire and it represents the attitude and qualities that we must embrace today. And the moment I saw this confident, warm, intelligent and graceful queen gazing at me it felt like pure, golden sunshine. This card brings a fiery energy in our life, loads of enthusiasm,confidence and generosity. This is the day to "stretch your wings and fly! Don't underestimate yourself. Assert your independence and creativity." That's what the caption says in the card. However the day goes, one can certainly adopt this attitude and take advantage of the fire within. Let us be our own inspiration today and find excuses to bring brightness in our own as well as others' lives. This queen is not one to give up so summon up your inner courage and dazzle everyone with your exuberance and passion for life, even when the going is a bit tough. Haven't we heard it a zillion times that life can change if we change our attitude? Try it today and see if you don't feel like royalty :-)

The second card is the Knight of Air which represents the attitudes and qualities we must guard against today. This is the elemental energy of Air and relates to aspects of the intellect, communication issues, reasoning and logic. The personality traits represented by this card are "Intelligent, Decisive, Idealistic and Tireless". It shows a Knight galloping at full speed on an enchanting unicorn holding a shining sword in one hand. The sword represents the intellect, the cool rational mind that works for us but sometimes acts as if it's the one in charge. And that's what you need to guard against today, being too intellectual, too full of yourself because of your superior intelligence. Logic can help you decipher a lot of things but it doesn't always have all the answers. The sword also represents communication and it's a double edged sword so be aware that your words can work both ways. Words can inspire, words can heal, words can bring understanding but they can also hurt. So use them well today. The Knights in tarot are efficient, goal oriented personalities but they can also go to the other extreme and be a tad too aggresive and rash at times. Avoid rubbing people off the wrong way with your honesty (or is it bluntness?) By the way, the caption also says "Events that occur at great speed. Take time to carefully review your options. Creative solutions."

Overall an active day full of interesting interactions and opportunities. Make the best use of them and feel free to add your own observations/comments if this resonates with you. Have a lovely day!

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