Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Prince of Wands and the Two of swords

I am using my favourite Druidcraft Tarot deck for today's two card reading. The first card represents the opportunities that may present themselves during the course of the day and the second card represents the challenges you may encounter today.

The first card we have is The Prince of Wands who comes galloping on his trusted steed to tide over obstacles and challenges with courage and confidence. This is a very positive card to have in the opportunities position because it means you will grab them with the assurance of a Prince who believes in his own capabilities and has his eyes fixed on his goal. The Prince of Wands in particular is highly charismatic, bold and adventurous with a sense of right and wrong. He may come across as arrogant in his zeal to do the right thing, however, he has no malice in his heart and his intentions are always noble. Pay attention to how the energy of this card unfolds today. This being representative of the element of Fire, you may find yourself feeling spirited, enthusiastic and cheerful. You will have the ability to mount through any difficulties or annoyances with ease and your confidence and innate sense of worth will make you an attractive companion to others. Pay attention also to someone in your life who may come with such an energy.

The shadow side is represented by the Two of Swords which shows a lady in a blindfold, sitting at a crossroads in the middle of a forest where the road forks out in two directions. She seems unsure of the path to follow and the swords she holds seem to be crossing her heart in a sombre manner. The Swords represent the elemental energy of Air which symbolises thoughts and communication issues. You may be feeling a bit hesitant to open yourself emotionally and talk about the real issues, preferring to carry on with the task at hand rather than analyzing and thinking about it.  Sometimes sitting on the fence can help you avoid taking tough decisions for a while but not taking a stand can also jeopardize opportunities and cause communication blocks. Are you avoiding taking a decision or expressing what you really think or feel?

Stepping back to see a bird's eye view of the spread, I get the idea of a day full of action with less expression of emotional energy. Your actions may be impulsive, not grounded in solid reality, however, they do have the potential to help you reach your goal. The overriding message I get is to be decisive and clear about your goal without giving way to self doubt. Remember that overthinking can lead to missed opportunities so follow the Prince of Wands with faith and courage in your heart.

Have a great day!

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