Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Star and the Devil

I've been reading all sorts of bizzare relationship stories in the papers lately and wondering why we find it so hard to practice what we know to be the right thing. Why the devil do we have to do the very thing that will sabotage our happiness and make us vulnerable to all kinds of negative energies? With some such thoughts in mind I went to my adorable Crystal Visions tarot today for some sound relationship advice.

The first card represents the qualities that would empower us vis a vis our relationships with others and this is the Star. The maiden shown in the card is a picture of deep serenity and self assurance. The water pours our freely from the two cups she holds in her hands into the lake of calm. My immediate feeling is one of peace and security, the knowingness that comes, not from logic or rationality, but from a deeper place in your heart that all is well. There is also a sense of freedom. Your love is a free choice not a compromise. There is no fear, no sense of division, no insecurities. You give of yourself, your love and trust to someone you care for freely and without expecting anything in return. This lack of expectation is what frees you. You know you can be generous with your love because there is so much more in your heart even after giving it all away.

Banish all fears from your mind today and express your love and affection in whatever way you can truthfully. Feel blessed that you have someone in your life who cares for you. It could be your spouse, a parent, a sibling, a child or a friend. The important thing to remember is that it is your generous, positive, giving attitude that gives you the power to attract and retain love in your life.

The second card represents qualities that take away from our power in relationships and it is the Devil. As evident from the image on the card, the devil is about temptation that leads to entrapment and misery. We instinctively recognize temptation when we see it, however, few of us truly trust in our own power to resist it or even use that power. Instead, we knowingly become a slave to self destructive habits and patterns. The first temptation is the thought itself, one negative current in our mind that leads to a chain of assumptions and ups our instinct for self preservation. Are you allowing negative emotions to block your power of reasoning or weaken your will? Are you finding fault with others, not seeing yourself reflected in the very things you are accusing them of? Have you shut your eyes to what is truly important and instead are blindly following materialistic goals set by social pressures?

Remember you have the choice, anytime you want, to break your self created patterns and free yourself from ego based judgements. As long as you are trapped by material aspirations love will feel like a constraint and relationships will feel binding. Ignore the selfish voice of your ego today and do something that your heart tells you to. Do something for the love of it, something that's simple, positive, life affirming and feels right, feels good.

The Star being Air elementally and the Devil being Earth energy there may be some conflicting tuggings in your heart today. You may want to do something for someone but hesitate due to practical or selfish reasons. Just remember your power of choice. Use it well today, choose the light and ignore the shadows lurking in your mind.
Have a fabulous Sunday!

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