Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Tower and the Hanged Man

My Morgan Greer Tarot deck has thrown some light into the strengths and weaknesses that would show up today.

The first card is The Tower and as shown in the picture seems like a pretty tumultuous and frightening possibility. But there is much learning in this card and today it reveals some of the strengths that we can leverage. The Tower is about breaking apart of the old structures and ways of living that are no longer serving to enhance our life experience. It means all that has ceased to serve its purpose must crumble so as to let life begin anew. We get so stuck in our ways at times, in our beliefs and habits that sometimes life has only this sudden, catastrophic way of making us see the truth. But it need not be something catastrophic, it could be something minor too, minor but deeply meaningful and impactful. The Tower is about being forced out of your comfort zone. It is also about a revelation that puts you face to face with the greatest truth of your life. You might have to confront old beliefs and patterns today or find yourself shaken by some truthful awareness of your own actions. Remember that this was inevitable and necessary. Remember also that it is for a purpose and for future growth. You just could not remain in the tower. Fire and lightening would have destroyed it before long. This shake-up was the only hope and so embrace the change that seems uncomfortable right now and leverage your innate ability to survive by learning from each experience and moving forward. That kind of strength will take you through the day with relative serenity.

The other card is the Hanged Man and it represents a weakness that you would need to overcome today. This card is about suspension of action and giving up control of your situation. Sometimes, giving up control is what you need to put things in the right perspective. But today is not a time for sacrificing your goals. Today is not the time to let up control but to take responsibility for your actions, learn from past mistakes and surge forward with greater understanding of life. Today is the day to recognize that some of your old beliefs and values are not serving your purpose and consciously changing them into more positive, more life affirming and relevant beliefs. It is the day to give up a habit that has been keeping you stuck in a rut. It's time to cut off the ties that have been keeping you suspended in false expectations and empower yourself with new ways of thinking.

This may be a day of some emotional conflict. The Tower astrologically represents Mars and is Fire energy whereas the Hanged Man represents Neptune and the water element. Fire and water are traditionally incompatible so you may feel some inner contradiction. However, both these energies are essential for sustaining life and need to be harnessed within ourselves so use them well and have a great day!

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