Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Four of Pentacles and the Magician

My Radiant Rider Waite Tarot deck is an old, trusty companion and I decided to turn to it to get some insight into the opportunities and challenges that may come up today.

The first card is the Four of Pentacles and it represents the opportunities. The figure on this card is seen holding on to his Pentacles, trying to keep them close and guarded. He is sitting on a high boundary wall separating him from the rest of the town. There are several meanings attached to this card and some of them tend towards the negative. It's always interesting to get a less positive card in a very positive position, really challenges you to look at things with a fresh perspective, like discovering hidden treasure in an unlikely place :-)
To me this card seems to be hinting at the opportunity to get yourself in a place of security and protection. This is a Pentacles card with the elemental energy of Earth and astrologically this is Sun in Capricorn so one of the earthiest card. This guy has his feet firmly planted on ground and all practical matters are of immense importance to him. Think money, finances, material possessions, health and people connections. Think long term stability that comes from building a sound reputation. Today is a good day to check on your investments and expenses. You could also be more vigilant about your health and get a check up if you feel the need. You may also want to keep your plans to yourself today and set some boundaries with regards to the people around you. The keyword that jumps at me is protection, of yourself, your assets and resources.

The second card is the Magician and this represents the challenges today. The Magician is all about action and manifestation of your strongest desire and I feel this is the area where you might run into some challenges today. You might want to consider your motives and strengths with clarity and make sure you are focused on the outcome. Do you have all the resources required to achieve your desired outcome? Are you motivated enough to go ahead with your chosen action? Lack of will and your power of concentration may become a hindrance today so make sure you are focused on your goal and avoid distractions. Astrologically the Magician represents Mercury and elementally this is Air energy. Air being representative of the intellect, thoughts and communication, you might also want to make sure that you are communicating effectively today and your words, thoughts and actions are all in harmony.

The overriding message that I am getting from these cards is that your ability to remain focused and stay on course will be very important today. Avoid wasting your resources and be safe and cautious today with regards to practical matters.
Have a great day!

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