Saturday, August 22, 2015

Patience and Slowing Down

I wanted insight into the strengths and weaknesses today and have drawn two cards from the Osho Zen Tarot.

The first card is Patience which corresponds to the Seven of Pentacles in a traditional tarot deck and shows a pregnant woman in a calm, meditative state. Above her is an arc made of the different phases of the moon highlighting the changes that occur in various stages of pregnancy and through which one must wait and watch the creation of new life unfold. The day calls for patience and a period of waiting which may be tiresome and unexciting but holds the promise of something higher and bigger than your own sense of adventure. There is a great strength in waiting with the understanding that this simply may not be the right time and knowing that when it is the right time you will be amply rewarded for your patience. Develop this strength today as you get opportunities for displaying it. Go about your day with the serenity of knowing that everything happens for a purpose, even if all you are able to see at the moment is a tireless period of inaction.

The second card is Slowing Down and this corresponds to the Knight of Pentacles in a traditional deck. In its shadow aspect the weakness that this card points to can arise due to a feeling of lethargy and an over cautious approach to life. The Knight of Pentacles is the most grounded, guarded Knight in tarot. In the Osho Zen tarot it shows a tortoise. While there is merit in slowing down as you focus on the goal, today this card represents a weakness and it may be necessary to recognize the importance of not slowing down yet, not letting your passion and energy flag and to keep up the momentum of life even if it feels humdrum and unexciting. The excitement has to come from within and the pace has to be maintained. Avoid the tendency to laze or procrastinate. You may need to force yourself out of your comfort zone and consciously seek out something new and thrilling. Avoid being alone too much, seek out company or else just hang out where there is a large crowd of people and something exciting is going on and soak in the energy of the place.

Overall the day seems to have some lessons in living today. Remember to be patient and calm when you need to wait without letting the wait affect your passion and energy in other areas of life. Have a great day!

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