Monday, May 23, 2016

The Tower and the Three of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I drew two cards from the Rider Waite tarot for this reading.

Card 1: The Tower - This card shows a scene of chaos, upheaval, disturbance. The depiction is of two people being forcibly thrown out of a tower that has been struck by lightening. The people are shown mid air, heading towards a craggy landing place in the middle of the night.

The Tower card represents a powerful force of nature that can upend the carefully planned structure of our life in a sudden, chaotic event. There is a sense of powerlessness about this card and of being forced out of our comfort zone. You may experience some unease this week. It could manifest as a radical and life changing experience for some, a minor disturbance for others; however, it will cause a shift in energy and new perspectives to emerge.

Astrologically, the Tower card stands for the fiery planet Mars and you would feel its intensity at the beginning of the week. On a mundane level there could be angry outbursts or arguments and for a short while it may make things around uncomfortable. Just remember that this was inevitable, that there was no way life could continue in the same path without the release of this energy.

Card 2: Three of Pentacles - This card shows a skilled craftsman conferring with two people about some work related matter. The central figure in the card seems to be a leader, someone who knows his job and is confident about what he is doing.

This is a card of work done with dedication, finesse and self confidence. A very positive card to have with regards to professional matters and brings recognition for efforts and a rise in social standing.
Astrologically, this is Mars in the zodiac sign of Capricorn where the planet is exalted and very powerful.

Both the cards point to a need to channelise your high energy into purposeful and constructive activities. Mars energy being very action oriented gives you personal power, focused concentration and will power to finish long pending tasks, take quick, effective decisions and influence people. But it may also bring impulsiveness and insensitivity to others so take some time to think through before you act. Stay positive and have a wonderful week!

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