Sunday, May 15, 2016

Knight of Swords and The World

Today I decided to chuck the positional three card spread we've been doing for sometime and just pick two cards that would show what to expect in the upcoming week. It's a more intuitive way of seeking guidance and direction from the cards and paying attention to the duality underlying our lives. Also, my camera is behaving weirdly so I hope my words can convey the sense of the cards.

Card 1: Here we have the Knight of Swords on horseback, carrying a sword of course, and charging at high speed towards his goal. This card, being of the element of Air, indicates someone with a keen intellect and a gift of the gab. Someone who is fair minded and often in an extreme way, is impulsive, stands up for the cause of justice but can also tend to intellectualize issues and come across as thoughtless and insensitive. You could be this way, overly focused on something that's still up in the air and not pausing to consider the consequences. 

The Knight of Swords also represents events and situations happening at breakneck speed that may cause some kind of chaos and disturbance in day to day routines. It may represent sudden travel plans  or situations needing urgent attention. 

Card 2: Here we have The World card, the last of the major cards that represents completion of a goal, emotional fulfillment, success of an important endeavour and joyful involvement in a project. 

Astrologically this is Saturn, the planet that imparts wisdom through tough experiences and rigorous discipline. In combination with the first card it bodes well for whatever comes your way this week. While it may start off as chaotic and cause minor disturbance in daily routines it will end well and with a feeling of immense personal satisfaction for you. 

Overall it's going to be a fast paced week with some high energy that may seem overwhelming but will leave you with greater wisdom, endurance and ability to cope. Be realistic and back words with action when pursuing goals. Have a wonderful week! 

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