Sunday, May 29, 2016

Page of Pentacles and the Ten of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Original Rider Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card1 - Page of Pentacles: This card, being a page, represents information coming your way and since Pentacles brings the elemental energy of Earth into force, it would have something to do with practical, day to day concerns of a material nature such as health, money, work related tasks or learning a new skill.

It could also indicate a trustworthy child, ward or younger person eager to take ownership of important family matters, someone who wants to assist or contribute in a small way for a larger group or cause.

Card2 - Ten of Pentacles: This card shows an image of material success and abundance with emphasis on long term asset building, family legacies and a cautious, conventional approach to the material aspects of life. Family issues and especially those concerned with incomes, expenditures and safeguarding of tangible assets may be in your mind this week.

You may receive some positive information or news concerning financial investments or property matters. Some of you might become serious about health and take steps for improvement in this direction.

There is a clear focus on both health and wealth this week and a reverential attitude towards the tried and tested. Your thinking is more grounded at this time and your goals and actions more realistic. Stay inspired as you inch closer to your dreams and have a wonderful week!

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