Sunday, June 26, 2016

The World and the Five of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card1: The World - This week you will find yourself at the centre of all the important activities you are involved with at work or at home. You will recognize the importance of these activities in a larger context instead of getting annoyed by the excrutiating details you usually end up focusing on. You will enlarge your field of work in this manner and also ably support others in providing a central direction to them so work completion becomes easier and more orderly.

The card is astrologically associated with the planet Saturn that rules organisation and imparts a practical, methodical approach. Your long term efforts will bear fruit and bring you a sense of achievement and understanding.

Card2: Five of Pentacles - This card is traditionally associated with financial or health related challenges and bodes a somewhat uncomfortable time. It also shows the importance of not losing sight of your goal and carrying on with determination and persistence. However, this week, with the World card tying up the loose ends and bringing cyclical forces to a state of completion, it seems to be taking the focus from a strictly materialistic view to a more spiritual understanding of goals, priorities and inner values.

Having reached a significant stage in your life you may be required to consider your priorities and particularly those areas of your life where you find yourself lacking. You may find yourself looking at your life from the outside and finding some discrepancies between what is shown to the world and what you feel inside. Make sure to realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses and remain true to yourself as you prepare for the next phase. Have a wonderful week!

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