Sunday, June 19, 2016

King of Wands and Eight of Cups

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: King of Wands - This card represents a person who is dynamic, self confident, action oriented and a natural leader. It could represent your attitude this week or someone in your life who you look up to. Wands, being symbolic of the element Fire, bring high energy, spiritual motivation and dynamic force into everyday activities. You are enthusiastic this week and may be required to provide direction and leadership to an important cause or event.  You would be in the helm of affairs, running from the front and inspiring everyone to put in their best efforts.

Card 2: Eight of Cups - Cups are representative of the element Water which is not considered compatible with the Fire energy of Wands. This combination causes conflict between your outer environment and the inner landscape of your emotions. The eight of cups shows a person walking away from two rows of five and three cups respectively, which hints at something missing or some sort of hidden instability within an apparently stable situation.

Astrologically, this card shows the effect of Saturn, the planet of restrictions, on the zodiac sign of Pisces, which is concerned with subconscious and hidden realms of the mind, deeper feelings and psychic insights. Inspite of everything being 'right' you could feel a pull towards something not clearly defined, something you feel compelled to explore further.

Your emotions may have something to do with the limitations or restrictions in your life that have assumed greater importance for a brief time. Spend some time away from the clutter and chaos of responsibilities to understand the true nature of these restrictions and how they bring stability and protection in your life instead of thinking of them negatively.

This week you may experience some contradictory emotions and a shift in perspective. It is the time to recognize and appreciate the things that are the framework of your life and provide structure, stability and order. Let your feelings guide you to greater peace and joy. Have a wonderful week!

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