Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ace of Wands and the Knight of Swords

Here's your weekly forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite Smith tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: Ace of Wands - A new energy, a sparkling idea or a new impulse is coming your way this week, bringing loads of action and creativity. You would experience an increase in confidence and a general burst of energy at this time. You would be inspired and motivated to take charge of your life and steer it in the direction you have been wanting to for sometime now. This Ace brings tremendous vitality and vigour into your everyday actions so nothing seems mundane or trivial.

Card 2: Knight of Swords - The knights in tarot bring speed and action and this one in particular comes galloping with an impressive and almost chaotic energy. Things are sure to speed up this week and you may find yourself in a rush, trying to accomplish everything at once. Some events may take you by surprise as they occur unexpectedly and as if forced by circumstances.

The pitfall of this knight is overconfidence and an excessively intellectual approach to all things, including human relationships. This is one area where you would need to proceed with gentleness and understanding rather than get into a black and white, right and wrong argument. Try not to rub people the wrong way this week, even if they're unable to catch up with the speed of your thoughts and passionate zeal.

This week try and make the most of the high energy you possess and stay on course with your short term goals. However, stay grounded and practical where long term planning is concerned. In relationship matters you may be inclined to talk more and listen less and also come across as a tad domineering so try and temper your natural instinct with kindness and sensitivity.
Have a wonderful week!

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