Saturday, October 17, 2015

Weekend tarot card - Celebration

This weekend's tarot card is from the Osho Zen tarot deck and it is called 'Celebration'. This is the Three of Cups in a traditional tarot deck with the simple message of making celebration an important part of your life.

The three women in this card are in a moment of pure ecstacy where the wind and the rain do not bother them or come in the way of happiness. Those are little annoyances of daily living that need not hinder us from living our lives the way we want.

If you want to experience the freedom and childlike exuberance of being in the moment then quit concerning yourself with the nagging details that bog you down and kill your joy. Focus on the big picture and find your own reason to celebrate. There's no moment like the present to make merry. Let your happiness be a conscious choice this weekend instead of a reaction to outside events. Allow your mind to consider possibilities and disregard restrictions.

Astrological association of this card is with the planet Mercury in the zodiac sign of Cancer. Your feelings and emotions this weekend are a direct result of your thoughts and would be strongly influenced by the subtle suggestions you expose them to. Stay positive and empowered as you write your own recipe for happiness today.
Have a lovely weekend!

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